Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Our Presidents

We continue in the series of posts on why America is lost,or,as the address of this blog says,no hope for America. Someone once said that in the U.S. the people get the Presidents they deserve.Let's look at our last three Presidents.
Bill Clinton,a man who was almost impeached for gross sexual immorality and repeatedly lying about it.A man who used the White House like a whorehouse, a man who lied to the American people and to the members of our Congress about his actions.People seem to forget that his affairs were numerous and that one even ended in legal action against him. What was the response of the American people? Basically it was, what this man does privately is his business.There was a time in this country that if this man hadn't immediately resigned after he was exposed he would have been chased out of office. Today he has morphed into a "revered" elder statesman.
George W.Bush. Probably a man who will make the list of the five worst Presidents ever(move over Jimmy Carter). First thought to be a conservative Republican he spent like he was anything but, increasing our debt to a record level. There is so much flawed about this man that space does not allow us to list everything here. His interventions into Iraq and Afghanistan,for at best dubious reasons, has wasted countless lives. The Russians gave up fighting in Afghanistan,so how exactly did George Bush think things were going to be any different for the U.S.? Iraq? Why? To fight terrorism,get Bin Laden? My favorite reason from Bush,to establish a democracy in the Middle East. Democracy in the Middle East, an oxymoron if there ever was one.Culture,religion and a totally different way of looking at things make Democracy an impossibility in this part of the world.As an aside,as he was leaving office and the time to grant pardons came,George Bush didn't even have the "guts" to give a total pardon to the two U.S. border guards wrongly jailed for shooting a drug smuggler. Considering that Bill Clinton gave total pardons to Puerto Rican terrorists and a financier guilty of crimes that should have kept him in prison for life,George Bush displayed his total lack of intelligence in not doing what needed to be done.
Barrack Obama. Here is a classic example of the people getting what they deserve. A man so inexperienced and holding to "principles" that are so contrary to what America was founded on, the big question becomes,will there be anything left of this country worth saving when he eventually leaves office? He was voted in because of his promise of change and his "charisma." He was most likely elected because the man who was running against him( John McCain) ran an incredibly inept campaign and picked an even more inept,inexperienced running mate.
Extreme left-wing liberals,communists,socialists and outright perverts make up the people of influence surrounding this man. He is in the process of spending us into oblivion and bankruptcy with the taxpayers having to foot the bill for his socialist agendas. Let's not forget that his telling the world how bad we are is doing irreversible harm to this country.He is described as African-American despite the fact he had a white mother and was raised by white folks. How convenient,the race card is alive and well in this 21th century.Like George Bush,I could go on and on but there really isn't the space to do so.
America,don't complain you are getting what you asked for and deserve.

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