Monday, November 30, 2009

Selling Out Our Workers

A now forgotten reason for the decline of America is the selling out of it's workers by the passage of "free trade" legislation,most notable of which was N.A.F.T.A. Since that time manufacturers,companies and businesses have either moved out of this country or simply shut down.Hundreds of thousands of American workers have lost their jobs. Without restrictions and tariffs on imports made by workers from other countries who are earning a dollar or so a day, American laborers have no chance of competing. Think about it,China, which is still communist no matter what the media will tell you,is producing an absolutely huge amount of products utilizing what is basically slave labour. But that doesn't matter to anyone as long as the prices of goods are cheaper. I find it interesting that we are now seeing the fruit of this "quality"Chinese workmanship evidenced by the ever increasing recalls,some deadly to those who purchased them.
In closing,politicians from both parties supported "free trade." There is not one that shouldn't be thrown out of office for doing so.
Buy American,don't shop at Walmart,support your own people for heavens sake!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Giving Thanks

Of course this last Thursday was Thanksgiving and it was nice to hear some of the radio talk shows reading the proclamation by Abraham Lincoln recognizing this day. It was also sobering to realize that there would be no chance of a similar proclamation being read by any president in this current politically correct day and age.Thanksgiving is a time to consider the formation and heritage of this country.We recall the European immigrants who came here and contributed so much to this once great land.People who entered legally and did not desire to live as separate entities as the mulims and certain others in this country who want the "perks" but despise the host(U.S.A).
I know what I have said in this post and previous ones may seem harsh,but,it's the truth.The reality is that no one for years has been willing to speak honestly on such subjects as the ones that are being addressed on this site. Sadly,Americans have become so "gun-shy" of being perceived as bigoted that they are buying the lies being fed to them by the media.The biggest one being that we are an evil nation founded by bigoted white men. What follows is a poem by Rudyard Kipling,if you don't know of this great writer than shame on you. Think of the influx of illegal aliens and muslims as you read it,it's called The Stranger.

The Stranger within my gate,
He may be true or kind,
But he does not talk my talk --
I cannot feel his mind.
I see the face and the eyes and the mouth,
But not the soul behind.

The men of my own stock
They may do ill or well,
But they tell the lies I am wonted to.
They are used to the lies I tell,
And we do not need interpreters
When we go to buy and sell.

The Stranger within my gates,
He may be evil or good,
But I cannot tell what powers control
What reasons sway his mood;
Nor when the Gods of his far-off land
Shall repossess his blood.

The men of my own stock,
Bitter bad they may be,
But, at least, they hear the things I hear,
And see the things I see;
And whatever I think of them and their likes
They think of the likes of me.

This was my father's belief
And this is also mine:
Let the corn be all one sheaf --
And the grapes be all one vine,
Ere our children's teeth are set on edge
By bitter bread and wine.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Futility of Praying For America

Weekdays between 11am and 7pm(EST) you can listen either online or on the radio to American Family Radio.It is a Christian network that offers a variety of programs that discuss cultural,national and international issues that pertain to this country. A day does not go by that there isn't a caller, who in response to a discussion of the multitude of problems facing America, says something like,"We as a people need to pray for this nation." To this statement I would ask,why? In the last 50 years, has praying for this country done any good? Of course not! This country has gotten worse in every way. The reason it is futile to do so (pray) can be found in the Bible. If you look to Romans 1:28 you will read the answer.Now if you choose to dismiss this, then you can choose to dismiss pretty much anything else you find in the New Testament. Romans 1:28 says: "Furthermore,since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God,He gave them over to a depraved (reprobate)mind. To do what ought not to be done." Reprobate also refers to a person without moral scruples. There you have it,since this nation and its leaders have been rejecting God and eliminating His presence from the public venue for decades,God has given America over to doing what it wants.You can see what it wants and likes by spending 3 or 4 hours changing the channels of your television.
America's Christians need to do more than pray.

Monday, November 23, 2009

The Kind of Discrimination That People Choose to Ignore

What you are about to read may make you uncomfortable,if it does, it means that you have bought into this country's hypocrisy as it relates to discrimination of people based on their colour.What follows are some examples of perceived discrimination that the media gave heavy and biased reporting of for extended periods of time.
1.The prestigious military college,The Citadel,had a policy of not admitting females.This all changed in 1994,after intense pressure and negative portrayal from the press, they were coerced into changing their policy regarding admissions.
2.The Augusta National Golf Club which runs The Master's Golf Tournament, is America's oldest and most prestigious golf club. In 2002,they were the target of a woman with an agenda and the media's desire to stir up controversy when it was pointed out that women were not allowed into the club. To their credit, the Augusta National Golf Club reminded everyone they were a private club and that they could determine who, and who wouldn't be admitted. This was after the club endured story after story as to how they were anti-woman and racist. Several cowardly high profile members felt the necessity to resign to demonstrate that they were not like "them."
The question that one should logically ask in reading the above two accounts is,they have blacks only colleges,they also have women only colleges, so why can't you have institutions and clubs that have a men only policy? On a related note, ever wonder why white on black crime gets heavy coverage in the media while black on white doesn't? Are you aware that 70% of the "hate crimes" committed in this country are done by blacks against whites? You see the mainstream media reporting that fact? Now,I sense the discomfort you are feeling in reading this,you're thinking,"oh,this sounds racist." No,it's the truth, and isn't the truth supposed to "set us free?"
When a black man rapes and murders a young college student and then kills her boyfriend in South Carolina,it gets minimal if any national coverage. A couple of white men in Texas drag a black man behind their truck and it gets repeated national coverage. Every hypocrite politician and celebrity in the nation condemns and bewails that "racism" is still very much alive in this country. Remember the 70%-30% ratio I mentioned earlier.
I could go on and on but you see what I am getting at. Everyone,irregardless of colour,needs to be equally accountable for their actions,right? So why does the media,our schools and colleges choose to ignore this and teach other things? You would almost think they had something against all things white, and, against the white male in particular. Is this a better country as a result of their doing this for decades? Obviously not,you don't have to be an Einstein to see that this country is not what it once was just 50 years ago.What the media,schools and colleges are doing in regards to their view of race and discrimination, and the way it's being accepted by the public virtually unchallenged, is very destructive to this country.Actually,that's a gross understatement.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Quote For Today

Louis Pasteur, a French scientist said: "The greatest derangement of the human mind is to believe because one wishes it to be so."
The above is dedicated to those who really believe that the policies and decisions being made by obama and his cronies will actually be beneficial for America.
Many of them,if enacted, will result in irreparable harm to this country.

Friday, November 20, 2009

The Devaluation of Life

A major reason for the fall of a once great nation has to include the way a nation disdains the sanctity of life. There are many examples of how this country does so but there is no greater one than its acceptance of abortion.There have been almost 40 million abortions since 1973.You do not have to be religious to recognize that abortion is an abominable practice.Children have been born and lived at the age of two months and up,yet, abortions are now being done right up to the time of birth. As with homosexuality,most people who say they are "pro-choice" do not think about what is involved in the act they advocate.A women's right to "choose" and a "it's my body" mentality, are the major reasons given for justifying abortion.How incredibly shallow and self-centered these reasons are. I say this with the knowledge that all kinds of cheap and readily accessible types of birth control have been available for years.This makes the figure of 40 million even more remarkable.But then again,if you have a disregard for life,then this number is in no way surprising.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Day Off Today

"It is not the function of our government to keep the citizen from falling into error,it is the function of the citizen to keep the government from falling into error."
U.S. Supreme Court in American Communications Association vs. Douds.
May we let our present government know that they are "falling into error" in almost everything they do.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

So True For This Time in America

What follows is a quote from 18th English philosopher Edmund Burke.His insights into human nature are relevant to the condition of men and the time we are now living in.
"Men are qualified for civil liberty in exact proportion to their disposition to put chains on their own appetites; in proportion as their love of justice is above their rapacity(greed);in proportion as their soundness and sobriety of understanding is above their vanity and presumption; in proportion as they are more disposed to listen to the counsels of the wise and good,in preference to the flattery of knaves. Society cannot exist unless a controlling power upon the will and appetite is placed somewhere;and the less of it there is within,the more there must be of it without. It is ordained in the eternal consitution of things, that men of intemperate habits cannot be free.Their passions forge their fetters(chains)."
Among other things, we have become a soft, complacent, and undisciplined nation.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Something to Think About

The following is a quote from Clarence Manion,writer,professor and former Dean of the Notre Dame School of Law.As you will see,the professor was well versed in history as well as the law.He wrote: "Human liberty diminishes in proportion that governmental power is increased."
So relevant to the time we are now living in.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

No Longer Taken For Granted

Recently I was a part of a week long orientation for new hire employees at a hospital.It involved people who were going to work at a variety of positions, from housekeepers(now called "enviromental services"),to secretaries,to those in the business office, as well as the kitchen staff and nurses.
I was struck by one portion of this orientation that dealt with being,as they called it,the ideal employee.What was taught, as you will see, were attributes that any "normal" person coming to a job should have,yet,it was obviously felt by those in charge that these behaviors needed to be taught.What prompted me to write about this was the fact that eight months ago,while being part of another orientation,another facility offered instrution on basically the same thing. It began with the importance of being courteous either over the telephone or in person to everyone you encounter while working in the hospital. What? I mean,isn't that a given? Due to the fact that it is a hospital for those who are sick and you are providing a service, isn't courtesy just a natural response when serving those in need and their families? Apparently not. The second thing that was stressed was being responsible. That meant if you were walking through the hospital and someone asked you for help,even if you were on your break or it was unrelated to your work area,you needed to assist that person. Also,if you came upon a wet spot on the floor, you were encouraged to either put out a sign cautioning people or take a towel and wipe it up.Another dealt with the subject of appropriateness in employee appearance. Multiple piercings on the face and ears, as well as tattoos, were not to be displayed by employees.Jeans and low-cut tops were,surprise,surprise, forbidden.The last attribute that was taught came in the area of reliability.The necessity of being on time for work,not calling in sick unless you really were and putting in 8 hours work for 8 hours pay.
Anything strike you as being strange about the above? As I said, aren't these the types of qualities that would be a given for those coming to a job? When I asked the girl running orientation this question she said, "you hope people will come here with these qualities but you can in no way assume that they will."
Well,I'm not that old but I remember a time when people didn't need to be instructed in what I would call proper and concientious behaviour.Sadly though, this is symptomatic of a society that no longer as the character it once had.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

So What Can You Do?

Before I begin today's post I want to say this, you can see even more evidence on how far America has fallen when you watch and listen to all the nonsense as it will relate to the upcoming trial of the 9-11 terrorists. It's going to be distressing and ultimately a sad affair.I'm still trying to figure out why they are being tried in a civil court.
So what can we do to be equipped and prepared as America continues its freefall into destruction? Frankly, not much, but there are a few things you should consider.
1. Evaluate yourself,there are many Americans who really believe they are on top of the whole "mess" that encompasses America, yet, they still think things like, FoxNews has the all truth and getting this country "straight" again simply involves having their political party in control.Let me quickly add here that when I said straight, I was referring to getting the U.S.A. back on the right course, not changing us back from a homosexual accepting(loving?) nation to a straight one.Indulge me,a bit of early morning humour.
Conservative talk shows have alot of truth but they foster a cult of personality and have a bad habit of giving a free pass to their guys even when they are taking us down the wrong path. Exhibit A,George Bush,I rest my case.It's only since he left office that these hosts have criticized some of his policies. Where were they when we needed them? As I have mentioned,many of these conservative talk show hosts believe they are a part of the story. Case in point,Rush Limbaugh,an insufferable,self-promoting blowhard. Sure he has alot of the truth, but just because you say inflammatory things from time to time that draws media attention, doesn't make you as important and relevant as the prominent political figures in this country.As an aside,if you think political neophyte Sarah Palin is the answer to our problems you are deluded.It takes more than having good ideas to be a good President.Again,exhibit A,our current president.
2.Be informed of what is going on and be aware.This means looking to a variety of news sources and people.The internet of course has been a tremendous help in this area.I would personally recommend two people,one is Patrick Buchanan.He has for years had the courage to take views and postions that have been decidedly politically incorrect.When he ran for President years ago the media aggressively went after him in all out slanderous attacks on a variety of fronts and issues.This was done against someone who was a 3rd party candidate and his chance of winning was virtually nil. What was the media afraid of in this guy,the truth? Buchanan's books are a must read,his site is .
This next person I came across accidentally,he was on the radio between midnight and 1am.His name is Frank Gaffney,he at one time was an advisor on security and defense to Ronald Regan.His insights into all things pertaining to our national security are second to none.He is fearless and honest on the muslim issue.This man is a must for those who are concerned and want to stay informed. His site is .
3.Read your American History while it is still available,read the words and about the lives of our Founding Fathers and other influential people who have had a positive impact on this country.By doing so, you realize what we once were and how far we have departed from our core beliefs.What a tragedy that our children and college students are being utterly corrupted by a revised version of our American History.
4.Lastly,tell others as the opportunity arises about what is going on with their country.It is just a matter of time before the taxes begin to rise(and rise)and people will find it increasingly difficult to simply get by.The policies of this president,as well as his spending and disregard for our mounting debt and the consequences of it,are going to have disastrous effects on OUR country.The effects are coming later,not necessarily sooner.Of course, let's not ignore issues pertaining to security at home and abroad.Other terrorist incidents and attacks are coming.We will become a joke to those who are our enemies when they witness the upcoming trial of the 9-11 terrrorists.Remember what I said here about this upcoming trial and you will see what I mean. It(the trial) will embolden them to continue such behaviour.
I end on a "happy" note,it will take a dramatic change in the way this nation views itsself and this world to change the course we are headed in.Unfortunately,if it ever happens,it will happen after it's too late.We have become a soft nation that no longer has the discipline and courage, or motivation, to recognize and do what needs to be done.Just give us the "smooth" words.
Soon ,I will continue this theme on what you can do to be prepared for what is to come.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Well Said !

What follows is a comment by Irish philosopher Edmund Burke that is especially applicable to these times. He said: "No government ought to exist for the purpose of checking the prosperity of its people or to allow such a principle in its policy."
Something to think about as our government is set on a course of heavy taxation and income redistribution.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Something To Think About

"Every nation has the government it deserves," a quote by Joseph de Maistre,French philosopher.
As they say,truer words have never been spoken.
We are a "dumbed down" nation of sheep believing whatever the media leads us to believe.Consequently,we have a government and leaders that are taking us down a road to ruin.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Our President and the Episcopal Church USA

Some may think it's odd to put the President and the Episcopal Church USA in the same context but actually they have much in common. I say this because they both have their own agendas while choosing to ignore the will and beliefs of the people they are supposed to be leading.
The Episcopal Church USA (ECUSA) was at one time the premier faith in this country.Holding to traditional biblical beliefs, it was a powerful influence to those who helped establish America,the majority of the signers of the Constitution were Anglicans(later known as Episcopalians).
Well,in the '70's, the Episcopal Church began to depart from their traditional roots and pursued a more modern view as it's leadership was hijacked by liberals.Soon,among many other such shocking and blasphemous things,homosexuality was not only celebrated within the church but it began to ordain clergy who were "gay." All this was done despite the fact that the majority of people within ECUSA were against it. People consequently exited this church by the thousands and continue to do so.A high ranking insider of the "church" commented on this situation by saying,he didn't care how many people left, that these changes were going to be made irregardless of the consequences. Sounds somewhat familiar doesn't it?
That brings us to our current president.He has many,many changes in mind for this country,the big change is in our health care but there are many more.The majority of Americans are against his vision for total health care reform just as they are against his promotion of all things homosexual,more stimulus packages and his practice of presenting a kinder, gentler and repentant USA to the leaders of countries who hate us. Sadly though,like the Episcopal Church USA,this president has his agenda.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Day Off Today

Here's a quote from Thomas Jefferson---you remember him--the evil slave owner and the guy who was "doing"one of his slaves?--that's the revisionist historians' take on the most brillant man who ever held the office of President of the United States.With a view like theirs', is it any wonder that we are at the point we are? He said: "I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them."

Sunday, November 8, 2009

A Few Final Thoughts

What follows are a few final thoughts on the tragedy at Ft.Hood. One of the headlines on the Fox News web-site this morning read something like this, Warning Signs From the Suspect of Ft.Hood Tragedy. Oh really,there were warning signs? Oh you mean the fact that he began wearing "traditional" muslim garb, was proselytizing "his faith" and telling people that killing those who were "invading" Iraq and Afghanistan was justifiable, were warning signs? The reality is that the military is in many ways responsible for this tragedy because they allowed this guy to continue functioning within the military.He was allowed to counsel soldiers returning from the Mideast,soldiers who had been attempting to kill people this man felt were his "brothers and sisters" in the faith. Isn't that a little like having Adolph Hitler counsel Jews?
These stories on warning signs,the heroism of those at Ft.Hood,etc., are distractions from what needs to be written and asked,what are we really going to do about the muslim presence in the armed forces and America? That's the politically incorrect question that won't be asked.Meanwhile our president acknowledges the great work being done by those of all religions in the military,making sure he mentions the muslim faith in his speech. There have been countless reports of terrorist cells and suspicious muslim activities throughout the U.S. in recent years. They have often been poorly reported or just plain ignored by the media. But heaven forbid if some drunken "skinhead" defaces a synagogue or a black church,it runs as the featured story of the day.
This country's refusal to address the muslim issue will be a major factor in America's inevitable fall.
As I said yesterday,there will be more events like the one we saw at Ft.Hood coming,perhaps as they say,to a town near you.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Where Do we Go From Here?

I ask this question in light of the recent events involving muslims in Dearborn,Michigan and at Ft.Hood.If you haven't already, I suggest you read a blog entry I made a week or so ago called,The Aliens Among Us.
Before I begin I have to report on what I saw on the two networks who really can't conceal their hatred for America,MSNBC and CNN. Running prominently on these networks were the stories that muslims in America were fearing backlash as a result of the Ft.Hood murders.We heard the same nonsense from MSNBC and CNN after 9-11.There was no backlash.Let me quickly add that I'm no fan of Fox News either.The reasons for this are many,one being that they continually trot out liar,hustler and criminal al sharpton for his take on issues.
What do you say of a faith that seeks to dominate others who do not believe or convert to their beliefs and justify killing those who don't? Here's a simple test, the Koran advocates what I just said and much more,to muslims in America this is their Holy Book,their Bible.A question, do you believe muslims will admit to America that they believe everything the Koran teaches? Of course not!
So what is the solution? Some suggestions, 1. stop allowing muslims into this country,2.monitor and investigate every mosque and islamic school beginning today.Any suspicion of terrorist activity or sympathy would call for the immediate closing of those facilities. 3.discharge every muslim serving in the military. Ideally, the deporting of all muslims from this country would be the best solution but lets face it, there is no hope of this happening. Of course, there is no chance of the other 3 suggestions happening either.In fact, look for a flood of cultural or racial profiling charges to pop up when the FBI begins doing what they should do,investigate terrorism.Also look for our muslim loving president to impede any serious attempts of letting the FBI do their job.
That is why this site is entitled No Hope For America. We know what the problem is but we are unwilling to do what needs to be done about it.In addition,there are people,agencies, and organizations (ACLU) that defend and advocate for our enemies. Think this post is extreme? Just watch,there will be more incidents like the one at Ft.Hood in the future. For heavens sake wake-up!

Friday, November 6, 2009

What Will the Media Do? Pt.2

As new information comes out regarding the vicious mass murders at Ft.Hood, we have learned more about this killer. Some of the things that have come to light are:1. he's been a muslim since birth,2. he acted alone and is still alive, 3.he's been in the military since before 9-11 and worked as either a psychologist or psychiatrist,4.he has for some time had been quite vocal in his crititcism of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, 5.had sought legal help in avoiding his impending deployment overseas to one of the two just mentioned countries,6.had recently received a bad job evaluation. I don't know, I'm no genius but didn't 4 of the 6 things listed above raise any red flags with the "brass" at Ft.Hood? I mean,it's not like there has never been a case of muslims in the U.S. military committing acts of violence against our soldiers.
Oh yeah,the story was barely hours old and we were treated to the first excuse pertaining to why this coward may have "snapped" and done this,the killer had been subject to harrassment for his being muslim from other soldiers.
I close with this,think about it,this man killed 11 of our soldiers and wounded 31 others.Obviously his intention was to kill all of the people he shot at.It was a premeditated and carefully planned act.In the days,weeks and months ahead, watch and listen to who the apologists and minimizers are for this man.Look for the sympathic spin that involves this killer being a poor muslim who was surrounded by those who hated,harrassed and degraded him.
A country that allows in those who embrace faiths and ideals that are against their beliefs and policies is doomed.We're such a country.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

What Will the Media Do?

As more information about the Fort Hood tragedy unfolds,it has been revealed that the killer was a muslim. It's fair to assume that the other two people in custody are either muslims or muslim sympathizers.Now is the time to watch how the media covers these cowardly killers,look for excuses and the minimizing of things pertaining to their "faith."
When will America learn that you can't have muslims in your country,much less in your military? This is not the first time that muslims in the U.S. armed forces have killed our soldiers. obama will probably have a muslim "holyman" at the national memorial service as Bush did at the one for 9-11.
Wake up America!

A Few Random Thoughts

I thought of today's blog entry today when I read a news article that said a "musician" who calls himself Sting believed that our current President was sent from God.This person was insinuating that obama is a type of saviour for the country and the world.This brought to mind three things. 1.Have we come to the point that the American people actually take seriously the political opinions of celebrities? Have we really become that stupid as a people? Think about actors and actresses,what do they do for a living? They act in movies.Think about what that entails,it involves pretending to be someone else,a type of character.They do what most of us did as children,we"play acted" as some refer to it. So,how does someone who does this for a vocation think they can offer the masses their musings on politics,etc.? Take a look at the personal lives of these people,the overwhelming majority of them are unstable and immoral.Also,how easy it is to espouse your ultra liberal views on immigration,open borders,etc. when you have millions of dollars to keep you above and away from the common folk.Reject the cult of celebrity worship in this country and for heavens sakes keep your children from their polluting influence!! 2. I was recently listening to a Christian radio station that features some interesting political talk show programs. What I found to be disturbing was the number of callers,who in responding to topics pertaining to events relating to this country going down the "tubes",saying things like this,"well it's in God's hands,we just have to keep praying," or they'd quote the OT passage from Chronicles pertaining to a nation repenting.I would have liked to ask the callers this question,if you were in your house and it was on fire, would you pray about it or do something? America over the past several decades has become increasingly less Christian,the chances of this nation collectively repenting are Slim and None,and guess what? Slims' out of town.This country holds to a less Bible believing faith then it once did.Pray if you want but take a lesson from our Founding Fathers and the people of their time,act. 3.Our current President is not only in the process of ruining this country but he is ignoring those who are seeking freedom in other countries.Case in point,the people of Iran. Recently Iran had a 30 year celebration of when they held 300 hundred or so Americans hostage for over a year.The planned celebration in Iran turned into an anti-Iranian government protest by its people.This was one of many protests by brave Iranians over the past year yet I don't recall the President saying anything about it.Shockingly,he continues to make overtures to the Iranian president for dialogue despite the fact that this man wants no part of it. It is a fact that those in the Middle East view a lets talk posture, and the "we didn't always act wisely in the past" rap, as a sign of weakness.How comforting,we have a President who is not only ruining OUR country but destroying our image and selling out the safety and lives of millions throughout the world.
Wake up America,it's later than you think.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

There's Never Been Such a Time as This

I remember as a boy growing up in the mid '60's,one of the biggest news stories was about a college student,Charles Whitman, shooting from a tower in Texas and killing 14 people.This type of act was virtually unheard of for that time. My,how things have changed. The murders have become so much more frequent and heinous.Is it an exaggeration to say that barely a week goes by that we don't read or hear of a mass murder,crime against a child or a woman? Of course it isn't. We also can't forget to mention other terrible crimes such as brutal rapes and beatings.Crimes like those and others I have just mentioned happen on such a regular basis that the public no longer seems to be genuinely shocked when they occur.
Why is this happening? The reasons are numerous and often the subject to much debate.But, who really cares what the reasons are for this huge upswing in violent crime? It's happening and it shows absolutely no signs that it won't continue to increase. Anything that points to personal accountability and paying the justifiable consequence for these acts(death penalty) are being downplayed and dismissed with increasing regularity in this oh so enlightened society.The upswing in violence is one of the many signs of a society that is sick.Perhaps almost as disturbing as this is when a society can't or won't do anything to really deal with such a problem.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Words From a Modern Day Prophet,Pt.2

In this excerpt fom his Harvard speech, Solzhenitsyn correctly points out the mindset that has led to the decline of America.It is simply amazing that this speech was given in 1978.Today we see a society that is trying to fix its problems without recognizing what the real cause of the problems are.
"This tilt of freedom toward evil has come about gradually, but it evidently stems from a humanistic and benevolent concept according to which man — the master of the world — does not bear any evil within himself, and all the defects of life are caused by misguided social systems, which must therefore be corrected. Yet strangely enough, though the best social conditions have been achieved in the West, there still remains a great deal of crime; there even is considerably more of it than in the destitute and lawless Soviet society."

Monday, November 2, 2009

Words From a Modern Day Prophet

What follows is an excerpt from Alexander Solzhenitzyn's commencement speech at Harvard University on June 8,1978.What he said infuriated most of those in attendance and garnered much criticism from the New York Times and New York Post newspapers.Up until that day he had been the liberal media darling,that ended after this speech.I can't recommend strongly enough that you take the time and read the full speech online.This excerpt deals more with the government and its leaders. Later, I will post his comments as it relates to the American people. What he said was true then but even more so now.His last sentence describes perfectly the situation this present administration has in dealing with countries that are antagonistic to the U.S.
"I think it may be of greater interest to concentrate on certain aspects of the contemporary West, such as I see them. A decline in courage may be the most striking feature that an outside observer notices in the West today. The Western world has lost its civic courage, both as a whole and separately, in each country, in each government, in each political party, and, of course, in the United Nations. Such a decline in courage is particularly noticeable among the ruling and intellectual elites, causing an impression of a loss of courage by the entire society. There are many courageous individuals, but they have no determining influence on public life. Political and intellectual functionaries exhibit this depression, passivity, and perplexity in their actions and in their statements, and even more so in their self-serving rationales as to how realistic, reasonable, and intellectually and even morally justified it is to base state policies on weakness and cowardice. And the decline in courage, at times attaining what could be termed a lack of manhood, is ironically emphasized by occasional outbursts and inflexibility on the part of those same functionaries when dealing with weak governments and with countries that lack support, or with doomed currents which clearly cannot offer resistance. But they get tongue-tied and paralyzed when they deal with powerful governments and threatening forces, with aggressors and international terrorists."

Sunday, November 1, 2009

One Thing Wrong With the American People

"We have become a generation of self-seekers concerned with one thing,self-gratification." William Pierce. We see the evidence that substantiates this quote in almost every aspect of American life.
Our teenagers and young adults exhibit even more of this condition then their parents.
The unwillingness,and inability, of Americans to be disciplined and think for themselves,is contributing greatly to the decline of this country.