Thursday, November 5, 2009

A Few Random Thoughts

I thought of today's blog entry today when I read a news article that said a "musician" who calls himself Sting believed that our current President was sent from God.This person was insinuating that obama is a type of saviour for the country and the world.This brought to mind three things. 1.Have we come to the point that the American people actually take seriously the political opinions of celebrities? Have we really become that stupid as a people? Think about actors and actresses,what do they do for a living? They act in movies.Think about what that entails,it involves pretending to be someone else,a type of character.They do what most of us did as children,we"play acted" as some refer to it. So,how does someone who does this for a vocation think they can offer the masses their musings on politics,etc.? Take a look at the personal lives of these people,the overwhelming majority of them are unstable and immoral.Also,how easy it is to espouse your ultra liberal views on immigration,open borders,etc. when you have millions of dollars to keep you above and away from the common folk.Reject the cult of celebrity worship in this country and for heavens sakes keep your children from their polluting influence!! 2. I was recently listening to a Christian radio station that features some interesting political talk show programs. What I found to be disturbing was the number of callers,who in responding to topics pertaining to events relating to this country going down the "tubes",saying things like this,"well it's in God's hands,we just have to keep praying," or they'd quote the OT passage from Chronicles pertaining to a nation repenting.I would have liked to ask the callers this question,if you were in your house and it was on fire, would you pray about it or do something? America over the past several decades has become increasingly less Christian,the chances of this nation collectively repenting are Slim and None,and guess what? Slims' out of town.This country holds to a less Bible believing faith then it once did.Pray if you want but take a lesson from our Founding Fathers and the people of their time,act. 3.Our current President is not only in the process of ruining this country but he is ignoring those who are seeking freedom in other countries.Case in point,the people of Iran. Recently Iran had a 30 year celebration of when they held 300 hundred or so Americans hostage for over a year.The planned celebration in Iran turned into an anti-Iranian government protest by its people.This was one of many protests by brave Iranians over the past year yet I don't recall the President saying anything about it.Shockingly,he continues to make overtures to the Iranian president for dialogue despite the fact that this man wants no part of it. It is a fact that those in the Middle East view a lets talk posture, and the "we didn't always act wisely in the past" rap, as a sign of weakness.How comforting,we have a President who is not only ruining OUR country but destroying our image and selling out the safety and lives of millions throughout the world.
Wake up America,it's later than you think.

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