Saturday, November 7, 2009

Where Do we Go From Here?

I ask this question in light of the recent events involving muslims in Dearborn,Michigan and at Ft.Hood.If you haven't already, I suggest you read a blog entry I made a week or so ago called,The Aliens Among Us.
Before I begin I have to report on what I saw on the two networks who really can't conceal their hatred for America,MSNBC and CNN. Running prominently on these networks were the stories that muslims in America were fearing backlash as a result of the Ft.Hood murders.We heard the same nonsense from MSNBC and CNN after 9-11.There was no backlash.Let me quickly add that I'm no fan of Fox News either.The reasons for this are many,one being that they continually trot out liar,hustler and criminal al sharpton for his take on issues.
What do you say of a faith that seeks to dominate others who do not believe or convert to their beliefs and justify killing those who don't? Here's a simple test, the Koran advocates what I just said and much more,to muslims in America this is their Holy Book,their Bible.A question, do you believe muslims will admit to America that they believe everything the Koran teaches? Of course not!
So what is the solution? Some suggestions, 1. stop allowing muslims into this country,2.monitor and investigate every mosque and islamic school beginning today.Any suspicion of terrorist activity or sympathy would call for the immediate closing of those facilities. 3.discharge every muslim serving in the military. Ideally, the deporting of all muslims from this country would be the best solution but lets face it, there is no hope of this happening. Of course, there is no chance of the other 3 suggestions happening either.In fact, look for a flood of cultural or racial profiling charges to pop up when the FBI begins doing what they should do,investigate terrorism.Also look for our muslim loving president to impede any serious attempts of letting the FBI do their job.
That is why this site is entitled No Hope For America. We know what the problem is but we are unwilling to do what needs to be done about it.In addition,there are people,agencies, and organizations (ACLU) that defend and advocate for our enemies. Think this post is extreme? Just watch,there will be more incidents like the one at Ft.Hood in the future. For heavens sake wake-up!

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