Saturday, November 14, 2009

So What Can You Do?

Before I begin today's post I want to say this, you can see even more evidence on how far America has fallen when you watch and listen to all the nonsense as it will relate to the upcoming trial of the 9-11 terrorists. It's going to be distressing and ultimately a sad affair.I'm still trying to figure out why they are being tried in a civil court.
So what can we do to be equipped and prepared as America continues its freefall into destruction? Frankly, not much, but there are a few things you should consider.
1. Evaluate yourself,there are many Americans who really believe they are on top of the whole "mess" that encompasses America, yet, they still think things like, FoxNews has the all truth and getting this country "straight" again simply involves having their political party in control.Let me quickly add here that when I said straight, I was referring to getting the U.S.A. back on the right course, not changing us back from a homosexual accepting(loving?) nation to a straight one.Indulge me,a bit of early morning humour.
Conservative talk shows have alot of truth but they foster a cult of personality and have a bad habit of giving a free pass to their guys even when they are taking us down the wrong path. Exhibit A,George Bush,I rest my case.It's only since he left office that these hosts have criticized some of his policies. Where were they when we needed them? As I have mentioned,many of these conservative talk show hosts believe they are a part of the story. Case in point,Rush Limbaugh,an insufferable,self-promoting blowhard. Sure he has alot of the truth, but just because you say inflammatory things from time to time that draws media attention, doesn't make you as important and relevant as the prominent political figures in this country.As an aside,if you think political neophyte Sarah Palin is the answer to our problems you are deluded.It takes more than having good ideas to be a good President.Again,exhibit A,our current president.
2.Be informed of what is going on and be aware.This means looking to a variety of news sources and people.The internet of course has been a tremendous help in this area.I would personally recommend two people,one is Patrick Buchanan.He has for years had the courage to take views and postions that have been decidedly politically incorrect.When he ran for President years ago the media aggressively went after him in all out slanderous attacks on a variety of fronts and issues.This was done against someone who was a 3rd party candidate and his chance of winning was virtually nil. What was the media afraid of in this guy,the truth? Buchanan's books are a must read,his site is .
This next person I came across accidentally,he was on the radio between midnight and 1am.His name is Frank Gaffney,he at one time was an advisor on security and defense to Ronald Regan.His insights into all things pertaining to our national security are second to none.He is fearless and honest on the muslim issue.This man is a must for those who are concerned and want to stay informed. His site is .
3.Read your American History while it is still available,read the words and about the lives of our Founding Fathers and other influential people who have had a positive impact on this country.By doing so, you realize what we once were and how far we have departed from our core beliefs.What a tragedy that our children and college students are being utterly corrupted by a revised version of our American History.
4.Lastly,tell others as the opportunity arises about what is going on with their country.It is just a matter of time before the taxes begin to rise(and rise)and people will find it increasingly difficult to simply get by.The policies of this president,as well as his spending and disregard for our mounting debt and the consequences of it,are going to have disastrous effects on OUR country.The effects are coming later,not necessarily sooner.Of course, let's not ignore issues pertaining to security at home and abroad.Other terrorist incidents and attacks are coming.We will become a joke to those who are our enemies when they witness the upcoming trial of the 9-11 terrrorists.Remember what I said here about this upcoming trial and you will see what I mean. It(the trial) will embolden them to continue such behaviour.
I end on a "happy" note,it will take a dramatic change in the way this nation views itsself and this world to change the course we are headed in.Unfortunately,if it ever happens,it will happen after it's too late.We have become a soft nation that no longer has the discipline and courage, or motivation, to recognize and do what needs to be done.Just give us the "smooth" words.
Soon ,I will continue this theme on what you can do to be prepared for what is to come.

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