Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Imperialistic Ventures

George W.Bush's legacy will be all about his getting America involved in two disastrous conflicts overseas,one in Iraq and the other in Afghanistan.Iraq has,is and will continue costing this country billions of dollars.It is this generation's Viet Nam.We of course can't overlook the deaths of thousands of young Americans as well as the physical and emotional suffering these soldiers are experiencing.People in the U.S. never hear much about the many more deaths and suffering the Iraqi war has brought upon the people of that country. The quality of life is nowhere what it once was there.Every day services that Iraqis' had, things that we take for granted, have either been destroyed or in the process of being repaired.So what was the purpose of this war? To rid of us of Saddam Hussein,look for W.M.D.'s, get the terrorists?How 'bout Bush's most inane declaration that we are bringing Democracy to this mideast country.Democracy is a concept that is totally foreign and contrary to a people with their history and culture. Does anyone seriously think Iraq will not be overrun or descend into utter chaos if and when the U.S.leaves? After America has spent billions more on something it cannot afford?
George Bush also got this country involved in Afghanistan. Again I ask, for what reason? To rid us of terrorists? I have seen reports that initial attempts to do this were successful but since that time the war effort has become disorganized and apparently lacks focus.News today says a top military official has resigned because of this. Morale among soldiers there is said to be at an all-time low. We are learning what the Russians learned the hard way years ago when they were forced to withdraw from Afghanistan.
Unnecessary military intrusions into other countries costs lives,bilions of dollars and gradually weakens a country.For those who still think they would want their son to fight in Afghanistan or Iraq, I would suggest they first talk to a parent of a soldier that was killed in Vietnam.
Read Patrick Buchanan's book, A Republic Not an Empire,if you want to get the facts on the absurdity of imperialistic ventures.

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