Monday, October 19, 2009

The American People, Pt.1

In looking at the reasons why America is lost we can't neglect the issue of the American people themselves being accountable for this country being in it's present state. Granted,we've all been lied to and deceived to varying degrees by our leaders and government over the last several decades, leaders and a government we trusted and believed would "do the right thing." By leaders,I am not referring to just the politicians,I am also including those leaders in all segments of our society such as religion,education, "justice" system,medicine, and psychiatry. With that said, there still has to be some degree of accountability by the people of this nation for the state we are now in. Oh yes,the word accountability,even that word has been given an amended meaning in this 21th century.Accountability (or accountable), a synonym for this word would be responsible.Today being accountable for something oftens comes with the addendum,he or she did this fill in the blanks. I'll give you a few examples, both within this society. First,the lady who killed her Protestant minister husband a few years ago because she claimed he had been abusing her physically as well as sexually.Claims that couldn't be substantiated by family members,friends or members of his church.So,then it was okay to shoot him in the back while he lay sleeping in bed? Apparently,because she walked away after serving one month in a mental institution despite having no prior history of mental illness.Who needs abuse hotlines and women's shelters when you can take care of the problem yourself? That brings to mind another example. The NFL player,while in a drunken state,hit and killed someone with his car.He was ordered to serve one month in jail. When learning that the commissioner of football suspended him from playing for a year his words were,"I don't agree with his decision but I respect it." Where is the accountability in these two examples above? Not only accountability from the two perpetrators but from the jurors,judges,lawyers and commissioner.
The above are symptomatic of the real problem within this nation,the ability to judge what is right and wrong and be accountable for your actions......."well I can do this because".... "I did this because...." What's even more absurd than this mindset is the fact that increasing numbers of the American public are accepting of this line of thinking,meanwhile,the moral decay in our country has accelerated because of it.

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