Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The American People and the Media

The word media is a word derived from the word medium, which refers to a means of communication through such things as television,radio, magazines and newpapers.To say the media has a huge impact on influencing public opinion is a gross understatement. We have seen very clearly how it has been very effective in promoting homosexuality and other forms of immorality.A great example of this is demonstrated in how they have successfully portrayed the need for society's acceptance of homosexuality as comparable to the civil rights struggle.Interestingly,very few black leaders have had the courage to come out(no pun intended) and challenge this absurd view.Even fewer celebrities or politicians will dare to make any disparaging remarks about homosexuals or homosexuality. To do so means endless harassment by all segments of the media and your portrayal as a hateful bigot.
The media aggresssively promotes other things which most would agree are clearly of a liberal slant. It has an ongoing love affair with the current President,enthusiastically endorsing his agenda and not giving coverage to the questionable "czars" he has appointed. The key to understanding media bias is not just looking at what they cover but being aware of what they choose not to cover.However, perhaps the media's most damaging effect on this country is its contributing to the "dumbing down" of America. Extended examination of conditions,events and situations in this country, which were once the norm many years ago,has been replaced by 3 minute soundbites of two people with opposing views talking and interrupting each other.To make matters worse,invariably,the host of the show,believing he is as essential to the mix as the guests,interjects his two-cents.Prime examples of this are Bill O'Reilly and the deranged Chris Matthews.Perhaps more disturbing is the media's preoccupation with celebrities,their lifestyles and their opinions.Case in point,the weeks,upon weeks coverage of pedophile Michael Jackson.A man who was shunned by everyone before his death.Another example,when did we start going to comedians like Bill Mahar,Lewis Black,Whoppi Goldberg and others for their opinions on politics and world affairs? But,there they are,turning up on CNN,MSNBC and Fox News.We even made a U.S. senator out of comedian Al Franken.The sad reality is,the media started replacing substance with trash and the public gladly accepted it. The media,referring primarily to television here,treats it's viewers as if they have the attention span of a five year old.Some reports are saying this is true.The question becomes a chicken or an egg thing,did the media foster this condition or did the people just become this way? I say the former rather than the latter is true.One proof of this is,the explosion of, and popularity of, reality shows.
We have become basically a nation predominated by sheep and idiots. If you don't believe me, listen to those who call in to television and radio talk shows. Better yet,listen to interviews with jurors that they'll occasionally have after a trial has ended.Frankly, its scary.
Wake-up America!

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