Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A Hope?

This is the last post for America is Lost.I believe if you look back to when this blog was started in October you will find many topics addressed that should provoke thought and concern. It is well worth taking the time to read and consider the facts presented in these 50+ entries. It is my hope that those who have read what I have to say will at least become more aware of what is going on around them.I am still dumfounded when I hear and read things said and written by people who I believe are more intelligent then myself. For instance,in the wake of the near disaster that almost occurred involving a muslim man who attempted to blow up a plane headed for Detroit, there has been resistance by the media and many politicians to accept two necessary courses of action. The first one seems simple enough,describe the man for what he is,a terrorist. Strangely,our president won't do so despite the overwhelming evidence that this man is one. Secondly,due to the consistant similarities among the people who have committed terrorist acts since 9-11,there has finally been a call for increased attention given to potential passengers who fit the profile of what a terrorist is,you know,those who are male,middle-eastern,african,etc.,you get what I mean. It only seems logical doesn't it? Yet,if you watch or read the news you have already witnessed the outcry of many in the media and in Washington against doing this. It sort of reminds me when after the Fort Hood murders, part of Time magazine's coverage of that event included an article about muslims in the U.S. fearing "retaliation". Retaliation? Was there any retaliation after 9-11? Has there ever been any? No! So why is Time magazine writing an article sympathetic to muslims after one of their brethren just committed a terrorist attack? Don't the apologists in the media and government realize that by their actions,or inaction, they are undermining their own safety and well being?
So, is there hope for this country? If there is it's up to the American people. It's up to the American people to rise up and have their voices heard.There has been a hint of this in the form of "tea parties" and the outcry against the immigration bill George Bush attempted to enact a few years back. But, there will have to be a whole lot more people becoming involved before the powers that be will take notice and respond. A WHOLE lot more!
I close with this: read and remember who the forefathers of this country were, read what they believed in and what they did in response to those beliefs.
Wake-up America,it's later than you think!

Monday, December 28, 2009

You Can Tell a Lot About a Nation By the Way....

Today is the second to last entry for this America is Lost blog. The last post tomorrow will pertain to what, if anything, can be done to prevent what appears to be this country's inevitable fall. As I wrote in an earlier entry last October,all empires come to an end.America is right in the range of time when the great civilizations of the past have ended.Again, as you may have read in previous posts, this country has the same things going on in its government, as well as its cultural and social systems that other empires had before they fell.
A quote attributed to Gandhi was, "You can tell much about a country by the way they treat their animals." A true statement indeed. One doesn't have to look very far to see the abominable conditions many animals are raised and kept in as they are prepared for our eventual consumption. You don't have to be a member of PETA to recognize that this is not right.However, I am not thinking of animals as it pertains to Gandhi's quote,I have in mind the treatment of the elderly in this country.I read an article recently that in Japan it is not uncommon for family members to fight over who will have the right to take care of their aged parents. I should clarify this by saying that the children want to have their parents looked after by them.In the Asian culture, with being "old" comes respect and a kind of reverence. This is a far cry from what exists in America where the "reverence" is for youth and what is perceived as beauty(six-pack abs and silicone breasts for starters).Too often,people in this country are quick to have their parents sent to an assisted living center or a nursing home as soon as the inevitable signs of aging and diminishing physical abilities begin to appear. Granted,there are times when the health condition of someone necessitates special medical care that can only be obtained from a medical facility but far too often our elderly end up in nursing or similar homes because their children simply don't want to be bothered. This is indicative of a mindset that is dangerously self-centered. Yet it is the norm in this country. Do Americans not realize that they too will eventually become old? The harsh reality is that the overwhelming majority of nursing "homes" are profit,not patient driven. As one who has worked in a nursing "home" the emphasis is on keeping staffing low thus insuring greater profits.This is the NORM for assisted living and nursing facilities. If you doubt what I say then take a visit to a nursing home,any nursing home, and you will see that what I say is true.So what is the real tragedy here? It's not so much with the corporations that run these facilities,they are expected to be looking for the profit first. It's with the people, who for the sake of convenience and not wanting to disrupt their "lifestyle", send their parents to these modern day gulags. Somehow our elderly deserve a better fate.

Friday, December 25, 2009

A Christmas Prayer and a Question

O God, who makest us glad with the yearly remembrance of the birth of thy only Son Jesus Christ: Grant that as we joyfully receive him for our Redeemer,so we may with sure confidence behold him when he shall come to be our Judge; who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost,one God,world without end. Amen.
(from The Scottish Book of Common Prayer,1929)
Since judgement is an essential component of the Christian faith,there is one thing all who call themselves Christian should consider. Do you think Jesus will ask why you didn't do something when His name and faith were being disparaged and marginalized in the country you live?

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas USA?

What follows is an excerpt from a column written by Patrick Buchanan in 2001,it is more relevant today than when it was originally written. I ask this,when in the history of our nation have the beliefs,or lack of beliefs of a minority of people, been allowed to overrule the beliefs of the majority of Americans? It's been allowed in recent times whenever it pertains to eliminating references to anything Christian.Where's the outrage and demonstrations from Christians? The incident that is referenced in the following Buchanan quote had to do with a Christmas tradition being removed from the public square, this never would have happened 45+ years ago.A nation that won't stand up for it's rights and beliefs is doomed.

"Indeed, the birth of Christ has inspired more great paintings, music and sculpture than any event in history. “Ultimately,” writes Piatak, “we should be free to celebrate Christmas publicly and joyously, because it is a great holiday, and because it is our holiday and one of the crowning glories of Western culture that gave birth to America and sustains us still.”

But why, then, are we not free to do so? Why may we not celebrate, as we did for 200 years, the birth of our Savior, the day God became man to open up for us the gates of heaven and bring mankind the hope of eternal salvation?

Answer: Because our Constitution has been hijacked by bigots in black robes, who perverted it to de-Christianize America. And we let them get away with it. Second, because Christians have become an intimidated lot, who will permit themselves to be pushed around and even permit their Savior to go uncelebrated for fear of being called insensitive. But if we do not proclaim the Son of God, will He proclaim us before the Father in heaven?

If Jesus was truly God, and the first Christmas was the day he was born of the Virgin Mary, and He came into the world for our salvation, what does it say about us that we would permit a handful of unhappy people to deny us the right to celebrate His birth in our public squares?

But, nevertheless, “God rest ye merry gentlemen, let nothing ye dismay,” not even the ACLU on this coming Christmas Day."

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Something to Ponder

"It is easier to desire Truth than to rid one's self of error." (a quote by Mary Baker Eddy).
For Americans,the real challenge isn't in recognizing that something is wrong,it's in doing something about what they perceive to be wrong.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Necessity of Living What You Believe

The best advertisement for validating what someone believes in or advocates can be found, not in how eloquently one expresses those beliefs,but in the way he lives his life and conducts himself. There is a tremendous responsibility in "walking the talk" of your beliefs and convictions. Sadly,too often people forget this.We most often see examples of this behaviour in people who describe themselves as men and women of faith. Although the following quote refers to the Christian faith,it can apply to other faiths and belief systems as well.
Nietzsche said: "Our statesmen---a body of men who are otherwise so unembarrassed,and such thorough anti-Christians in deed---still declare themselves Christians and still flock to communion."
We may be able to see the hypocrisy in others, but can we recognize it in ourselves?

Friday, December 11, 2009

Quote of the Day and an Announcement

For those who are new to this site,take a moment to go to the first two posts that began this blog back in October,they are entitled Are You a Frog? and Are You an Ostrich?

Abraham Lincoln said: "Our safety,our liberty,depends upon preserving the Constitution of the United States as our Fathers made it inviolate.The people of the United States are the rightful masters of both Congress and the Courts,not to overthrow the Constitution,but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution."
Do you remember what this current president said earlier this year about our Constitution?

Thursday, December 10, 2009


As we look at the various things that America has done and abandoned in recent years as it relates to its continuing decline,we would be remiss if we didn't include how America now views the Christmas season.No,this post isn't going to be about the excessive commercialization of this holy season or whether or not it should be celebrated,it's about the continuing efforts to dimimish the Christian faith in America.There has been an ongoing effort,particularly over the last decade or two,to push the Christmas season out of public view. I think all of us realize this.Nativity scenes have been removed from local,state and national properties,many stores have instructed sales clerks not to say Merry Christmas,other people who have contact with the public,be it in stores,or on radio or television, are told to say Happy Holidays. We'd be remiss of course not to include our wonderful public school systems who now call the time near the end of December when their students have off, something like Winter Break or some other secular phrase. Our current President,who calls himself a Christian, recently had the traditional tree lighting ceremony at the White House and did not once mention who this season honors,the Prince of Peace,Jesus Christ. Not a Nativity scene to be found anywhere on the White House grounds,something I believe was a tradition at the White House in the past. In addition,as during the Easter season,you will be sure to find television shows and magazine articles questioning the "validity" of even having Christmas. They will be sure to include some member of a "Christian" denomination that will declare passionately that Christmas is "pagan" and people are "damned and going to Hell" if they celebrate it. This of course is foolishness and I don't want to take the time to describe why it is,that's not the purpose of today's message.I want to look at why Christmas,and for that matter Christianity, is being removed from public view in America. Why is it that when we now mention December "holidays" Christmas is always lumped together with the bogus holiday Kwanza and the minor Jewish holiday Chanukkah? I ask this because there was a time not to long ago when Christmas was viewed by everyone for what it was,one of the two major Christian Holy Days.You know, it was given the respect and acceptance by our media that is now given to Ramadan and Yom Kippur.
So what is the problem that those in government,businesses and the media have with Christmas? I used to think it was because it involved the celebration of the birth of a Man who laid down some very specific moral rules of thinking and behaviour. Then I realized that the muslims,Hindus and Jews have rigid rules of conduct and belief as they pertain to their faith,yet they are not being treated the way Christianity in America is today.Not to digress but,could you imagine if on the Larry David HBO program,Curb Your Enthusiasm,the main character had gotten urine on a portrait of muhammed instead of Jesus as happened in a recent episode,what the outcry would have been from the media and the muslim community? Larry David knows very well what he can and can't get away with.The Christian faith is always fair game and given lots of exposure to anyone who wants to insult and disrespect it.
Again why the Christian faith? Is it because the Christian faith holds to the belief that they are The Way? No, other major faiths also hold to this belief.
I believe that those in control,meaning the media and people who want to determine this nation's future,desire to remove the foundation on which this country was built,from which the Constitution,Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights and government were created, this foundation was our Christian principles.Denigrating Christmas is just one small step in this process.
It doesn't take a genius to recognize who is winning the war as it relates to who is determining the direction this country is now taking,only someone who has been watching and is aware.Have you been watching?
Wake up America before it's too late!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Quotes on the Truth

If only we could hear the truth from our politicians instead of statements made to serve their agendas.
Also,this nation,the media,its institutions,our religious leaders, as well as its politicians, have in recent years not always been truthful because it is not "politically correct." What follows are some quotes that relate to the necessity of truthfulness.
"A lie is still a lie no matter who utters it." Scottish proverb.
"Truth is the foundation of all knowledge and the cement of all societies." Dryden.
"The greatest homage we can pay to truth is to use it." Emerson.
The following quote I dedicate to all the "experts" that tell us that global warming is an immediate threat. "The witholding of truth is sometimes a worse deception than a direct misstatement." Lord Napier.
And finally:
"If 50 million people say a foolish thing it is still a foolish thing." Anatole France.
Never has the above quote been so relevant as it is in this present day and age.Americans have been so "dumbed-down" by the media and preoccupied with the satiation of all their senses and desires.We are now just beginning to witness the consequences of allowing this to happen.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Cold Hard Facts

Contributing to America's decline is the failure,or fear,of the people to face the facts.When you won't admit what the problem is, or confront it,then how can you ever expect to correct that problem?
There was some criticism of my recent post concerning discrimination. The sad truth is,is that we have been so influenced(indoctrinated) by the media that when faced with the truth our first reaction is,am I a racist,instead of responding to the reality of the facts presented.
What follows are some statistics that are the cold hard facts in response to all the hate-crime,discrimination talk that's been going 'round in recent months.
In a 1995 article published by The American Enterprise Institute,it reports that FBI figures show a black offender is twice as likely to kill a white victim as the reverse. Some yearly totals that you might find interesting: for rape---white offender/black victim,100; black offender/white victim,20,204. For robbery,white offender/black victim 7,031; black offender/white victim 167,924. For assault, white offender/black victim 49,800; black offender/white victim 431,670. For all violent crimes, white offender/black victim, 55,301; black offender/white victim 572,458.
So,who has a hate-crime problem?
I say--"You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free."

Monday, November 30, 2009

Selling Out Our Workers

A now forgotten reason for the decline of America is the selling out of it's workers by the passage of "free trade" legislation,most notable of which was N.A.F.T.A. Since that time manufacturers,companies and businesses have either moved out of this country or simply shut down.Hundreds of thousands of American workers have lost their jobs. Without restrictions and tariffs on imports made by workers from other countries who are earning a dollar or so a day, American laborers have no chance of competing. Think about it,China, which is still communist no matter what the media will tell you,is producing an absolutely huge amount of products utilizing what is basically slave labour. But that doesn't matter to anyone as long as the prices of goods are cheaper. I find it interesting that we are now seeing the fruit of this "quality"Chinese workmanship evidenced by the ever increasing recalls,some deadly to those who purchased them.
In closing,politicians from both parties supported "free trade." There is not one that shouldn't be thrown out of office for doing so.
Buy American,don't shop at Walmart,support your own people for heavens sake!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Giving Thanks

Of course this last Thursday was Thanksgiving and it was nice to hear some of the radio talk shows reading the proclamation by Abraham Lincoln recognizing this day. It was also sobering to realize that there would be no chance of a similar proclamation being read by any president in this current politically correct day and age.Thanksgiving is a time to consider the formation and heritage of this country.We recall the European immigrants who came here and contributed so much to this once great land.People who entered legally and did not desire to live as separate entities as the mulims and certain others in this country who want the "perks" but despise the host(U.S.A).
I know what I have said in this post and previous ones may seem harsh,but,it's the truth.The reality is that no one for years has been willing to speak honestly on such subjects as the ones that are being addressed on this site. Sadly,Americans have become so "gun-shy" of being perceived as bigoted that they are buying the lies being fed to them by the media.The biggest one being that we are an evil nation founded by bigoted white men. What follows is a poem by Rudyard Kipling,if you don't know of this great writer than shame on you. Think of the influx of illegal aliens and muslims as you read it,it's called The Stranger.

The Stranger within my gate,
He may be true or kind,
But he does not talk my talk --
I cannot feel his mind.
I see the face and the eyes and the mouth,
But not the soul behind.

The men of my own stock
They may do ill or well,
But they tell the lies I am wonted to.
They are used to the lies I tell,
And we do not need interpreters
When we go to buy and sell.

The Stranger within my gates,
He may be evil or good,
But I cannot tell what powers control
What reasons sway his mood;
Nor when the Gods of his far-off land
Shall repossess his blood.

The men of my own stock,
Bitter bad they may be,
But, at least, they hear the things I hear,
And see the things I see;
And whatever I think of them and their likes
They think of the likes of me.

This was my father's belief
And this is also mine:
Let the corn be all one sheaf --
And the grapes be all one vine,
Ere our children's teeth are set on edge
By bitter bread and wine.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Futility of Praying For America

Weekdays between 11am and 7pm(EST) you can listen either online or on the radio to American Family Radio.It is a Christian network that offers a variety of programs that discuss cultural,national and international issues that pertain to this country. A day does not go by that there isn't a caller, who in response to a discussion of the multitude of problems facing America, says something like,"We as a people need to pray for this nation." To this statement I would ask,why? In the last 50 years, has praying for this country done any good? Of course not! This country has gotten worse in every way. The reason it is futile to do so (pray) can be found in the Bible. If you look to Romans 1:28 you will read the answer.Now if you choose to dismiss this, then you can choose to dismiss pretty much anything else you find in the New Testament. Romans 1:28 says: "Furthermore,since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God,He gave them over to a depraved (reprobate)mind. To do what ought not to be done." Reprobate also refers to a person without moral scruples. There you have it,since this nation and its leaders have been rejecting God and eliminating His presence from the public venue for decades,God has given America over to doing what it wants.You can see what it wants and likes by spending 3 or 4 hours changing the channels of your television.
America's Christians need to do more than pray.

Monday, November 23, 2009

The Kind of Discrimination That People Choose to Ignore

What you are about to read may make you uncomfortable,if it does, it means that you have bought into this country's hypocrisy as it relates to discrimination of people based on their colour.What follows are some examples of perceived discrimination that the media gave heavy and biased reporting of for extended periods of time.
1.The prestigious military college,The Citadel,had a policy of not admitting females.This all changed in 1994,after intense pressure and negative portrayal from the press, they were coerced into changing their policy regarding admissions.
2.The Augusta National Golf Club which runs The Master's Golf Tournament, is America's oldest and most prestigious golf club. In 2002,they were the target of a woman with an agenda and the media's desire to stir up controversy when it was pointed out that women were not allowed into the club. To their credit, the Augusta National Golf Club reminded everyone they were a private club and that they could determine who, and who wouldn't be admitted. This was after the club endured story after story as to how they were anti-woman and racist. Several cowardly high profile members felt the necessity to resign to demonstrate that they were not like "them."
The question that one should logically ask in reading the above two accounts is,they have blacks only colleges,they also have women only colleges, so why can't you have institutions and clubs that have a men only policy? On a related note, ever wonder why white on black crime gets heavy coverage in the media while black on white doesn't? Are you aware that 70% of the "hate crimes" committed in this country are done by blacks against whites? You see the mainstream media reporting that fact? Now,I sense the discomfort you are feeling in reading this,you're thinking,"oh,this sounds racist." No,it's the truth, and isn't the truth supposed to "set us free?"
When a black man rapes and murders a young college student and then kills her boyfriend in South Carolina,it gets minimal if any national coverage. A couple of white men in Texas drag a black man behind their truck and it gets repeated national coverage. Every hypocrite politician and celebrity in the nation condemns and bewails that "racism" is still very much alive in this country. Remember the 70%-30% ratio I mentioned earlier.
I could go on and on but you see what I am getting at. Everyone,irregardless of colour,needs to be equally accountable for their actions,right? So why does the media,our schools and colleges choose to ignore this and teach other things? You would almost think they had something against all things white, and, against the white male in particular. Is this a better country as a result of their doing this for decades? Obviously not,you don't have to be an Einstein to see that this country is not what it once was just 50 years ago.What the media,schools and colleges are doing in regards to their view of race and discrimination, and the way it's being accepted by the public virtually unchallenged, is very destructive to this country.Actually,that's a gross understatement.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Quote For Today

Louis Pasteur, a French scientist said: "The greatest derangement of the human mind is to believe because one wishes it to be so."
The above is dedicated to those who really believe that the policies and decisions being made by obama and his cronies will actually be beneficial for America.
Many of them,if enacted, will result in irreparable harm to this country.

Friday, November 20, 2009

The Devaluation of Life

A major reason for the fall of a once great nation has to include the way a nation disdains the sanctity of life. There are many examples of how this country does so but there is no greater one than its acceptance of abortion.There have been almost 40 million abortions since 1973.You do not have to be religious to recognize that abortion is an abominable practice.Children have been born and lived at the age of two months and up,yet, abortions are now being done right up to the time of birth. As with homosexuality,most people who say they are "pro-choice" do not think about what is involved in the act they advocate.A women's right to "choose" and a "it's my body" mentality, are the major reasons given for justifying abortion.How incredibly shallow and self-centered these reasons are. I say this with the knowledge that all kinds of cheap and readily accessible types of birth control have been available for years.This makes the figure of 40 million even more remarkable.But then again,if you have a disregard for life,then this number is in no way surprising.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Day Off Today

"It is not the function of our government to keep the citizen from falling into error,it is the function of the citizen to keep the government from falling into error."
U.S. Supreme Court in American Communications Association vs. Douds.
May we let our present government know that they are "falling into error" in almost everything they do.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

So True For This Time in America

What follows is a quote from 18th English philosopher Edmund Burke.His insights into human nature are relevant to the condition of men and the time we are now living in.
"Men are qualified for civil liberty in exact proportion to their disposition to put chains on their own appetites; in proportion as their love of justice is above their rapacity(greed);in proportion as their soundness and sobriety of understanding is above their vanity and presumption; in proportion as they are more disposed to listen to the counsels of the wise and good,in preference to the flattery of knaves. Society cannot exist unless a controlling power upon the will and appetite is placed somewhere;and the less of it there is within,the more there must be of it without. It is ordained in the eternal consitution of things, that men of intemperate habits cannot be free.Their passions forge their fetters(chains)."
Among other things, we have become a soft, complacent, and undisciplined nation.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Something to Think About

The following is a quote from Clarence Manion,writer,professor and former Dean of the Notre Dame School of Law.As you will see,the professor was well versed in history as well as the law.He wrote: "Human liberty diminishes in proportion that governmental power is increased."
So relevant to the time we are now living in.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

No Longer Taken For Granted

Recently I was a part of a week long orientation for new hire employees at a hospital.It involved people who were going to work at a variety of positions, from housekeepers(now called "enviromental services"),to secretaries,to those in the business office, as well as the kitchen staff and nurses.
I was struck by one portion of this orientation that dealt with being,as they called it,the ideal employee.What was taught, as you will see, were attributes that any "normal" person coming to a job should have,yet,it was obviously felt by those in charge that these behaviors needed to be taught.What prompted me to write about this was the fact that eight months ago,while being part of another orientation,another facility offered instrution on basically the same thing. It began with the importance of being courteous either over the telephone or in person to everyone you encounter while working in the hospital. What? I mean,isn't that a given? Due to the fact that it is a hospital for those who are sick and you are providing a service, isn't courtesy just a natural response when serving those in need and their families? Apparently not. The second thing that was stressed was being responsible. That meant if you were walking through the hospital and someone asked you for help,even if you were on your break or it was unrelated to your work area,you needed to assist that person. Also,if you came upon a wet spot on the floor, you were encouraged to either put out a sign cautioning people or take a towel and wipe it up.Another dealt with the subject of appropriateness in employee appearance. Multiple piercings on the face and ears, as well as tattoos, were not to be displayed by employees.Jeans and low-cut tops were,surprise,surprise, forbidden.The last attribute that was taught came in the area of reliability.The necessity of being on time for work,not calling in sick unless you really were and putting in 8 hours work for 8 hours pay.
Anything strike you as being strange about the above? As I said, aren't these the types of qualities that would be a given for those coming to a job? When I asked the girl running orientation this question she said, "you hope people will come here with these qualities but you can in no way assume that they will."
Well,I'm not that old but I remember a time when people didn't need to be instructed in what I would call proper and concientious behaviour.Sadly though, this is symptomatic of a society that no longer as the character it once had.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

So What Can You Do?

Before I begin today's post I want to say this, you can see even more evidence on how far America has fallen when you watch and listen to all the nonsense as it will relate to the upcoming trial of the 9-11 terrorists. It's going to be distressing and ultimately a sad affair.I'm still trying to figure out why they are being tried in a civil court.
So what can we do to be equipped and prepared as America continues its freefall into destruction? Frankly, not much, but there are a few things you should consider.
1. Evaluate yourself,there are many Americans who really believe they are on top of the whole "mess" that encompasses America, yet, they still think things like, FoxNews has the all truth and getting this country "straight" again simply involves having their political party in control.Let me quickly add here that when I said straight, I was referring to getting the U.S.A. back on the right course, not changing us back from a homosexual accepting(loving?) nation to a straight one.Indulge me,a bit of early morning humour.
Conservative talk shows have alot of truth but they foster a cult of personality and have a bad habit of giving a free pass to their guys even when they are taking us down the wrong path. Exhibit A,George Bush,I rest my case.It's only since he left office that these hosts have criticized some of his policies. Where were they when we needed them? As I have mentioned,many of these conservative talk show hosts believe they are a part of the story. Case in point,Rush Limbaugh,an insufferable,self-promoting blowhard. Sure he has alot of the truth, but just because you say inflammatory things from time to time that draws media attention, doesn't make you as important and relevant as the prominent political figures in this country.As an aside,if you think political neophyte Sarah Palin is the answer to our problems you are deluded.It takes more than having good ideas to be a good President.Again,exhibit A,our current president.
2.Be informed of what is going on and be aware.This means looking to a variety of news sources and people.The internet of course has been a tremendous help in this area.I would personally recommend two people,one is Patrick Buchanan.He has for years had the courage to take views and postions that have been decidedly politically incorrect.When he ran for President years ago the media aggressively went after him in all out slanderous attacks on a variety of fronts and issues.This was done against someone who was a 3rd party candidate and his chance of winning was virtually nil. What was the media afraid of in this guy,the truth? Buchanan's books are a must read,his site is .
This next person I came across accidentally,he was on the radio between midnight and 1am.His name is Frank Gaffney,he at one time was an advisor on security and defense to Ronald Regan.His insights into all things pertaining to our national security are second to none.He is fearless and honest on the muslim issue.This man is a must for those who are concerned and want to stay informed. His site is .
3.Read your American History while it is still available,read the words and about the lives of our Founding Fathers and other influential people who have had a positive impact on this country.By doing so, you realize what we once were and how far we have departed from our core beliefs.What a tragedy that our children and college students are being utterly corrupted by a revised version of our American History.
4.Lastly,tell others as the opportunity arises about what is going on with their country.It is just a matter of time before the taxes begin to rise(and rise)and people will find it increasingly difficult to simply get by.The policies of this president,as well as his spending and disregard for our mounting debt and the consequences of it,are going to have disastrous effects on OUR country.The effects are coming later,not necessarily sooner.Of course, let's not ignore issues pertaining to security at home and abroad.Other terrorist incidents and attacks are coming.We will become a joke to those who are our enemies when they witness the upcoming trial of the 9-11 terrrorists.Remember what I said here about this upcoming trial and you will see what I mean. It(the trial) will embolden them to continue such behaviour.
I end on a "happy" note,it will take a dramatic change in the way this nation views itsself and this world to change the course we are headed in.Unfortunately,if it ever happens,it will happen after it's too late.We have become a soft nation that no longer has the discipline and courage, or motivation, to recognize and do what needs to be done.Just give us the "smooth" words.
Soon ,I will continue this theme on what you can do to be prepared for what is to come.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Well Said !

What follows is a comment by Irish philosopher Edmund Burke that is especially applicable to these times. He said: "No government ought to exist for the purpose of checking the prosperity of its people or to allow such a principle in its policy."
Something to think about as our government is set on a course of heavy taxation and income redistribution.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Something To Think About

"Every nation has the government it deserves," a quote by Joseph de Maistre,French philosopher.
As they say,truer words have never been spoken.
We are a "dumbed down" nation of sheep believing whatever the media leads us to believe.Consequently,we have a government and leaders that are taking us down a road to ruin.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Our President and the Episcopal Church USA

Some may think it's odd to put the President and the Episcopal Church USA in the same context but actually they have much in common. I say this because they both have their own agendas while choosing to ignore the will and beliefs of the people they are supposed to be leading.
The Episcopal Church USA (ECUSA) was at one time the premier faith in this country.Holding to traditional biblical beliefs, it was a powerful influence to those who helped establish America,the majority of the signers of the Constitution were Anglicans(later known as Episcopalians).
Well,in the '70's, the Episcopal Church began to depart from their traditional roots and pursued a more modern view as it's leadership was hijacked by liberals.Soon,among many other such shocking and blasphemous things,homosexuality was not only celebrated within the church but it began to ordain clergy who were "gay." All this was done despite the fact that the majority of people within ECUSA were against it. People consequently exited this church by the thousands and continue to do so.A high ranking insider of the "church" commented on this situation by saying,he didn't care how many people left, that these changes were going to be made irregardless of the consequences. Sounds somewhat familiar doesn't it?
That brings us to our current president.He has many,many changes in mind for this country,the big change is in our health care but there are many more.The majority of Americans are against his vision for total health care reform just as they are against his promotion of all things homosexual,more stimulus packages and his practice of presenting a kinder, gentler and repentant USA to the leaders of countries who hate us. Sadly though,like the Episcopal Church USA,this president has his agenda.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Day Off Today

Here's a quote from Thomas Jefferson---you remember him--the evil slave owner and the guy who was "doing"one of his slaves?--that's the revisionist historians' take on the most brillant man who ever held the office of President of the United States.With a view like theirs', is it any wonder that we are at the point we are? He said: "I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them."

Sunday, November 8, 2009

A Few Final Thoughts

What follows are a few final thoughts on the tragedy at Ft.Hood. One of the headlines on the Fox News web-site this morning read something like this, Warning Signs From the Suspect of Ft.Hood Tragedy. Oh really,there were warning signs? Oh you mean the fact that he began wearing "traditional" muslim garb, was proselytizing "his faith" and telling people that killing those who were "invading" Iraq and Afghanistan was justifiable, were warning signs? The reality is that the military is in many ways responsible for this tragedy because they allowed this guy to continue functioning within the military.He was allowed to counsel soldiers returning from the Mideast,soldiers who had been attempting to kill people this man felt were his "brothers and sisters" in the faith. Isn't that a little like having Adolph Hitler counsel Jews?
These stories on warning signs,the heroism of those at Ft.Hood,etc., are distractions from what needs to be written and asked,what are we really going to do about the muslim presence in the armed forces and America? That's the politically incorrect question that won't be asked.Meanwhile our president acknowledges the great work being done by those of all religions in the military,making sure he mentions the muslim faith in his speech. There have been countless reports of terrorist cells and suspicious muslim activities throughout the U.S. in recent years. They have often been poorly reported or just plain ignored by the media. But heaven forbid if some drunken "skinhead" defaces a synagogue or a black church,it runs as the featured story of the day.
This country's refusal to address the muslim issue will be a major factor in America's inevitable fall.
As I said yesterday,there will be more events like the one we saw at Ft.Hood coming,perhaps as they say,to a town near you.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Where Do we Go From Here?

I ask this question in light of the recent events involving muslims in Dearborn,Michigan and at Ft.Hood.If you haven't already, I suggest you read a blog entry I made a week or so ago called,The Aliens Among Us.
Before I begin I have to report on what I saw on the two networks who really can't conceal their hatred for America,MSNBC and CNN. Running prominently on these networks were the stories that muslims in America were fearing backlash as a result of the Ft.Hood murders.We heard the same nonsense from MSNBC and CNN after 9-11.There was no backlash.Let me quickly add that I'm no fan of Fox News either.The reasons for this are many,one being that they continually trot out liar,hustler and criminal al sharpton for his take on issues.
What do you say of a faith that seeks to dominate others who do not believe or convert to their beliefs and justify killing those who don't? Here's a simple test, the Koran advocates what I just said and much more,to muslims in America this is their Holy Book,their Bible.A question, do you believe muslims will admit to America that they believe everything the Koran teaches? Of course not!
So what is the solution? Some suggestions, 1. stop allowing muslims into this country,2.monitor and investigate every mosque and islamic school beginning today.Any suspicion of terrorist activity or sympathy would call for the immediate closing of those facilities. 3.discharge every muslim serving in the military. Ideally, the deporting of all muslims from this country would be the best solution but lets face it, there is no hope of this happening. Of course, there is no chance of the other 3 suggestions happening either.In fact, look for a flood of cultural or racial profiling charges to pop up when the FBI begins doing what they should do,investigate terrorism.Also look for our muslim loving president to impede any serious attempts of letting the FBI do their job.
That is why this site is entitled No Hope For America. We know what the problem is but we are unwilling to do what needs to be done about it.In addition,there are people,agencies, and organizations (ACLU) that defend and advocate for our enemies. Think this post is extreme? Just watch,there will be more incidents like the one at Ft.Hood in the future. For heavens sake wake-up!

Friday, November 6, 2009

What Will the Media Do? Pt.2

As new information comes out regarding the vicious mass murders at Ft.Hood, we have learned more about this killer. Some of the things that have come to light are:1. he's been a muslim since birth,2. he acted alone and is still alive, 3.he's been in the military since before 9-11 and worked as either a psychologist or psychiatrist,4.he has for some time had been quite vocal in his crititcism of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, 5.had sought legal help in avoiding his impending deployment overseas to one of the two just mentioned countries,6.had recently received a bad job evaluation. I don't know, I'm no genius but didn't 4 of the 6 things listed above raise any red flags with the "brass" at Ft.Hood? I mean,it's not like there has never been a case of muslims in the U.S. military committing acts of violence against our soldiers.
Oh yeah,the story was barely hours old and we were treated to the first excuse pertaining to why this coward may have "snapped" and done this,the killer had been subject to harrassment for his being muslim from other soldiers.
I close with this,think about it,this man killed 11 of our soldiers and wounded 31 others.Obviously his intention was to kill all of the people he shot at.It was a premeditated and carefully planned act.In the days,weeks and months ahead, watch and listen to who the apologists and minimizers are for this man.Look for the sympathic spin that involves this killer being a poor muslim who was surrounded by those who hated,harrassed and degraded him.
A country that allows in those who embrace faiths and ideals that are against their beliefs and policies is doomed.We're such a country.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

What Will the Media Do?

As more information about the Fort Hood tragedy unfolds,it has been revealed that the killer was a muslim. It's fair to assume that the other two people in custody are either muslims or muslim sympathizers.Now is the time to watch how the media covers these cowardly killers,look for excuses and the minimizing of things pertaining to their "faith."
When will America learn that you can't have muslims in your country,much less in your military? This is not the first time that muslims in the U.S. armed forces have killed our soldiers. obama will probably have a muslim "holyman" at the national memorial service as Bush did at the one for 9-11.
Wake up America!

A Few Random Thoughts

I thought of today's blog entry today when I read a news article that said a "musician" who calls himself Sting believed that our current President was sent from God.This person was insinuating that obama is a type of saviour for the country and the world.This brought to mind three things. 1.Have we come to the point that the American people actually take seriously the political opinions of celebrities? Have we really become that stupid as a people? Think about actors and actresses,what do they do for a living? They act in movies.Think about what that entails,it involves pretending to be someone else,a type of character.They do what most of us did as children,we"play acted" as some refer to it. So,how does someone who does this for a vocation think they can offer the masses their musings on politics,etc.? Take a look at the personal lives of these people,the overwhelming majority of them are unstable and immoral.Also,how easy it is to espouse your ultra liberal views on immigration,open borders,etc. when you have millions of dollars to keep you above and away from the common folk.Reject the cult of celebrity worship in this country and for heavens sakes keep your children from their polluting influence!! 2. I was recently listening to a Christian radio station that features some interesting political talk show programs. What I found to be disturbing was the number of callers,who in responding to topics pertaining to events relating to this country going down the "tubes",saying things like this,"well it's in God's hands,we just have to keep praying," or they'd quote the OT passage from Chronicles pertaining to a nation repenting.I would have liked to ask the callers this question,if you were in your house and it was on fire, would you pray about it or do something? America over the past several decades has become increasingly less Christian,the chances of this nation collectively repenting are Slim and None,and guess what? Slims' out of town.This country holds to a less Bible believing faith then it once did.Pray if you want but take a lesson from our Founding Fathers and the people of their time,act. 3.Our current President is not only in the process of ruining this country but he is ignoring those who are seeking freedom in other countries.Case in point,the people of Iran. Recently Iran had a 30 year celebration of when they held 300 hundred or so Americans hostage for over a year.The planned celebration in Iran turned into an anti-Iranian government protest by its people.This was one of many protests by brave Iranians over the past year yet I don't recall the President saying anything about it.Shockingly,he continues to make overtures to the Iranian president for dialogue despite the fact that this man wants no part of it. It is a fact that those in the Middle East view a lets talk posture, and the "we didn't always act wisely in the past" rap, as a sign of weakness.How comforting,we have a President who is not only ruining OUR country but destroying our image and selling out the safety and lives of millions throughout the world.
Wake up America,it's later than you think.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

There's Never Been Such a Time as This

I remember as a boy growing up in the mid '60's,one of the biggest news stories was about a college student,Charles Whitman, shooting from a tower in Texas and killing 14 people.This type of act was virtually unheard of for that time. My,how things have changed. The murders have become so much more frequent and heinous.Is it an exaggeration to say that barely a week goes by that we don't read or hear of a mass murder,crime against a child or a woman? Of course it isn't. We also can't forget to mention other terrible crimes such as brutal rapes and beatings.Crimes like those and others I have just mentioned happen on such a regular basis that the public no longer seems to be genuinely shocked when they occur.
Why is this happening? The reasons are numerous and often the subject to much debate.But, who really cares what the reasons are for this huge upswing in violent crime? It's happening and it shows absolutely no signs that it won't continue to increase. Anything that points to personal accountability and paying the justifiable consequence for these acts(death penalty) are being downplayed and dismissed with increasing regularity in this oh so enlightened society.The upswing in violence is one of the many signs of a society that is sick.Perhaps almost as disturbing as this is when a society can't or won't do anything to really deal with such a problem.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Words From a Modern Day Prophet,Pt.2

In this excerpt fom his Harvard speech, Solzhenitsyn correctly points out the mindset that has led to the decline of America.It is simply amazing that this speech was given in 1978.Today we see a society that is trying to fix its problems without recognizing what the real cause of the problems are.
"This tilt of freedom toward evil has come about gradually, but it evidently stems from a humanistic and benevolent concept according to which man — the master of the world — does not bear any evil within himself, and all the defects of life are caused by misguided social systems, which must therefore be corrected. Yet strangely enough, though the best social conditions have been achieved in the West, there still remains a great deal of crime; there even is considerably more of it than in the destitute and lawless Soviet society."

Monday, November 2, 2009

Words From a Modern Day Prophet

What follows is an excerpt from Alexander Solzhenitzyn's commencement speech at Harvard University on June 8,1978.What he said infuriated most of those in attendance and garnered much criticism from the New York Times and New York Post newspapers.Up until that day he had been the liberal media darling,that ended after this speech.I can't recommend strongly enough that you take the time and read the full speech online.This excerpt deals more with the government and its leaders. Later, I will post his comments as it relates to the American people. What he said was true then but even more so now.His last sentence describes perfectly the situation this present administration has in dealing with countries that are antagonistic to the U.S.
"I think it may be of greater interest to concentrate on certain aspects of the contemporary West, such as I see them. A decline in courage may be the most striking feature that an outside observer notices in the West today. The Western world has lost its civic courage, both as a whole and separately, in each country, in each government, in each political party, and, of course, in the United Nations. Such a decline in courage is particularly noticeable among the ruling and intellectual elites, causing an impression of a loss of courage by the entire society. There are many courageous individuals, but they have no determining influence on public life. Political and intellectual functionaries exhibit this depression, passivity, and perplexity in their actions and in their statements, and even more so in their self-serving rationales as to how realistic, reasonable, and intellectually and even morally justified it is to base state policies on weakness and cowardice. And the decline in courage, at times attaining what could be termed a lack of manhood, is ironically emphasized by occasional outbursts and inflexibility on the part of those same functionaries when dealing with weak governments and with countries that lack support, or with doomed currents which clearly cannot offer resistance. But they get tongue-tied and paralyzed when they deal with powerful governments and threatening forces, with aggressors and international terrorists."

Sunday, November 1, 2009

One Thing Wrong With the American People

"We have become a generation of self-seekers concerned with one thing,self-gratification." William Pierce. We see the evidence that substantiates this quote in almost every aspect of American life.
Our teenagers and young adults exhibit even more of this condition then their parents.
The unwillingness,and inability, of Americans to be disciplined and think for themselves,is contributing greatly to the decline of this country.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

An Abominable Decision

There is so much wrong with our current president that there is simply not the time nor the space to list everything. He is for an America that is contrary to what our country was founded on and what the majority of people believe in. He is pursuing an agenda that is speeding up the decline and fall of the U.S.A. There are two big questions that must be asked; 1.Will this country be able to repair all the damage he has caused when he is hopefully chased out of office in 2012?, 2. Will the Republican party that opposes him be able to offer a candidate that will actually act like they want to win the presidency?John McCain essentially laid down and played dead the whole time before the last election.Now McCain is often a vocal critic of this president, where was this attitude during 2008?
Well,in the last day or so, obama lifted a 20 year ban on allowing those positive with HIV/AIDS from entering this country.That's good,why don't we invite all those with deadly communicable diseases into America? So, for the bleeding hearts that applaud this decision you are in the minority, 74% of this country recognizes the foolishness of this action. Even Cuba, which is loved by all the celebs like Sean Penn and Michael Moore,quarantines those with AIDS.
Announcement: yesterday's post was slightly changed,some new info was added near the end.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Losing Our Sovereignty

As the current president continues to make unnecessary apologies to various countries of the world for our alleged past "bad" behaviour,something is coming that may be equally destructive to this country.In early December 2009,Copenhagen will be hosting a world summit on global warming.This president buys totally into the incomplete findings as well as the downright lies relatiing to the subject of global warming.One of the many goals of this summit is lowering the worldwide CO-2 level.If this action is to be done, there will be problems of compliance by other countries and yet another financial burden for Americans(taxes,increased prices for utilities,fuel and products) in following whatever mandates are recommended at this summit.Countries like Russia and China,will not comply with any recommendations. The belief is,is that this summit will be about income redistribution and a step towards a one world government.I'm talking about a secular one world government,not what Christians have been saying is "just around the corner" for 20 centuries.
It is also believed that America,under this president, will not only be willing to comply but will allow others,not of this country, to set policy,guidelines and penalties for OUR lack of following the dictates of this summit.Sound crazy? Why would anyone say that? We have an organization that exists in this country that hates us,criticizes and demeans us, yet we give millions of dollars to it each year to insure it's continued existence,it's called the United Nations.
Wake-up America!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Beware of The Trojan Horse Syndrome

Most everyone knows the story about the Greeks and the Trojan horse.The analogy of it as used these days is to illustrate that what what may appear to be nice and not dangerous, is in reality anything but.I will give three examples of what I call the Trojan Horse Syndrome.Three things that will have a devastating effect on America.
1.A huge military appropriations bill was just signed into law by our current president.It included a section that would give those in the military a pay raise.Nothing wrong with that you say? Well,this piece of legislation had attached to it the hate-crime bill that I wrote about in a recent post.My question is,is what does a hate-crime bill have to do with military appropriations? Is this the way they do things in Washington these days? Attach one acceptable thing to something else that the majority of the public does not want,let alone something that has its own agenda? Apparently.
2. There is a powerful group based in the U.S. called The Council on American-Islamic Relations. Supposedly, it's purpose is to foster understanding and cordial relations between muslims and Americans.As is with the overwhelming majority of muslim groups in the U.S., this group is a front and a sham for something more sinister.It was revealed in the last year or so that a muslim group called The Holy Land Foundation was found to be giving funds to Hamas and,suprise,surprise, The Council on American-Islamic Relations was named as an unindicted co-conspirator.It's also reported that this group provides support and funds to terrorists in Palestine.This is only the beginning folks.Please follow the story today on the events in Dearborn,Michigan,a hotbed of muslim,anti-American activity.
3.Lastly,and to me, this is the most disturbing and offensive because with numbers 1 and 2 you really can't be that surprised if you are even half way up on things. Get ready for this one,The Susan G.Komen Foundation.Yes,the organization that raises millions for breast cancer treatment and awareness each year.Incredible fund raising,with endless ads and benefits,I even saw this organization featured on a package of M&M candy. So what's wrong with this? How about the fact that this foundation gave $700,000. to the #1 purveyor of infanticide,Planned Parenthood. Great, a supposed breast cancer group is giving money to support abortion.How would all those people who give money to them feel if they knew it was going to Planned Parenthood? Why hasn't this fact received more press? Oh yeah,the media,the majority at least,loves abortion and supports it with the zealousness of an islamic terrorist.
Shame on the Susan G.Komen Foundation!
Wake up America!!!!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Day Off Today

Due to work related responsibilities today's scheduled post, Beware the Trojan Horse Syndrome, will be published tomorrow.Below is a quote that is that fits quite nicely with the theme of this site. It's by Friedrich Nietzsche: "The majority of men prefer delusion to truth.It soothes.It is easy to grasp.Above all,it fits more snugly into a universe of false appearances."

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Imperialistic Ventures

George W.Bush's legacy will be all about his getting America involved in two disastrous conflicts overseas,one in Iraq and the other in Afghanistan.Iraq has,is and will continue costing this country billions of dollars.It is this generation's Viet Nam.We of course can't overlook the deaths of thousands of young Americans as well as the physical and emotional suffering these soldiers are experiencing.People in the U.S. never hear much about the many more deaths and suffering the Iraqi war has brought upon the people of that country. The quality of life is nowhere what it once was there.Every day services that Iraqis' had, things that we take for granted, have either been destroyed or in the process of being repaired.So what was the purpose of this war? To rid of us of Saddam Hussein,look for W.M.D.'s, get the terrorists?How 'bout Bush's most inane declaration that we are bringing Democracy to this mideast country.Democracy is a concept that is totally foreign and contrary to a people with their history and culture. Does anyone seriously think Iraq will not be overrun or descend into utter chaos if and when the U.S.leaves? After America has spent billions more on something it cannot afford?
George Bush also got this country involved in Afghanistan. Again I ask, for what reason? To rid us of terrorists? I have seen reports that initial attempts to do this were successful but since that time the war effort has become disorganized and apparently lacks focus.News today says a top military official has resigned because of this. Morale among soldiers there is said to be at an all-time low. We are learning what the Russians learned the hard way years ago when they were forced to withdraw from Afghanistan.
Unnecessary military intrusions into other countries costs lives,bilions of dollars and gradually weakens a country.For those who still think they would want their son to fight in Afghanistan or Iraq, I would suggest they first talk to a parent of a soldier that was killed in Vietnam.
Read Patrick Buchanan's book, A Republic Not an Empire,if you want to get the facts on the absurdity of imperialistic ventures.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Day Off Today

From this point on posts will be four or five days a week.On scheduled days off I will put up a quote as it pertains to the theme of this site. Today is a quote from General Douglas MacArthur and it concerns the moral decay and the consequences of it.He said:"History fails to record a single precedent in which nations subject to moral decay have not passed into political and economic decline. There has been either a spiritual awakening to overcome the moral lapse,or a progressive deterioration leading to ultimate national disaster."

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Clergy in America

Since today is Sunday and millions of Americans are attending Church it would be appropriate to look at the role the clergy has played in contributing to the fall of America.Perhaps it would be better to examine what they have not done in contributing to this country's decline.
Before I begin let me say that I am talking about real clergy here,not the celebrity types like Rick Warren,Billy Graham, and all the television and radio evangelists.They are the frauds,the "merchandisers" of the Gospel who live privileged,wealthy lives.People who totally disregard the "freely have you received,then freely you give" admonition.These people regard their "ministries" as businesses.One proof of this is that they invariably leave them(ministries) to their sons,daughters,husbands or wives when they depart this earth.Once again,as I said previously,if you doubt what I say about these people just do a search of the internet regarding lifestyles,incomes and finances.
The clergy I'm referring to are the ones who occupy the pulpits of the churches people are attending today.For the most part they are sincere,well-intentioned individuals.
It is a cornerstone of the Christian faith that clergy are to preach Christ,why He came here and what believing in Him means and entails.It would be safe to assume that the overwhelming majority of those sitting in the pews week in and week out believe the "salvation" message. However, the problem with far too many clergy today is that they are not preaching about the things that are going on in this country,the things that may very well effect their lives in and out of Church.Things like the socialist/communist agenda of this President,his imposition of people,practices and policies that run contrary to what this country was founded on and what the majority still hold to.Is America going to sit passively by while their faith and personal freedoms are ridiculed and chased out of our society? You bet they are! I say this because they are doing so now. Taking down a cross from a World War II cemetary or a Christmas scene from a public square wouldn't have dared be done in another era.Where were the people and churches to converge on this cemetary in protest of this abominable event? Or the times when yet another religious symbol was removed from a courthouse? Hand it to the muslims,you mess with their faith and you will hear and most likely see a serious reaction.
We need fit,disciplined, austere clergy who can provide the witness and the warning to those in the pews and out. Clergy willing to pay the price for their outspokenness.Clergy who think more of this country than tax exempt status,big congregations and building programs.
Wake up America!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Hate-Crime Legislation

The Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act has gone through Congress and awaits signing by the most anti-American President to ever hold that office.Homosexuals and "transgendered" ( that means boys who think they are more like girls and girls who think they are more like boys) are added to the list of designated victim groups.So much for equal protection under the law for everyone.Doesn't the Congress know that we already have laws against violent crime? Of course they do.This bill naturally sets the stage for what is coming.Understand that the passage of any kind of so-called "hate-crime" legislation is the beginning of us eventually losing our freedom of speech as well as religion.I should add freedom for the Christian religion,the muslims are well on their way to being given special consideration and rights in this country. If you don't believe me on where this bill will take us, look to Canada and Great Britain to see how this whole hate/crime--hate/speech nonsense progresses and what it leads to.
Naturally, there was barely a peep from the American people as this unfolded and after it passed.Oh yeah,that's right,we needed the latest update on "the balloon boy" plus the weekends' coming,there are some very big games in college football and NASCAR's running.
Someone ought to write a book,While America Slept.

Friday, October 23, 2009

The Feminist Movement

Continuing our look into things that have contributed to the fall of America we would be remiss not to mention the feminist movement as playing a significant factor. However, let me add that the feminist movement in America is dead. It's been dead for decades.The organization that "spearheaded"( no Freudian pun intended) this movement was the National Organization of Women(N.O.W.).Fortunately,this group lost total relevance with American women when the leadership was taken over by radical lesbians(see Molly Yard for starters.).Sadly though,the damage was done.N.O.W.,with lots of help from the media,the colleges and universities, changed the way most women perceive themselves and their role in this life.Did something good come out of the feminist movement? I suppose, if you are referring to a change such as equal pay for both sexes.But,the good can never come close to the damage it has done, and is continuing to do to this country.It doesn't require mentioning a long list of things that came out of this movement that were bad. Things like adjusting physical fitness requirements for women in occupations such as firefighting and quotas for how many women you must have in the fire and police departments.This pales when put against the real damage that was done. The worst thing that happened was a way of thinking that was so heavily promoted and eventually bought into. It was the belief that a woman was incomplete if she didn't have her own career. Being a stay at home mother was mocked and criticized endlessly.If you are old enough, you may recall people and the media derisively referring to mothers who didn't have a career as June Cleaver types.June Cleaver was the stay at home mom on the popular television show,Leave it to Beaver. She was ridiculed for always wearing a dress while cleaning and cooking dinner.Can you imagine that? You mean no tattoos,shorts and cleavage? How uncool! The mindset that a woman must have a career,coupled with the rising cost of living,AND,a desire for married couples to want more than what they could afford on one salary,drove most women into the workforce.Also damaging was the belief that women could "have it all",a career and a family.You can, but something always suffers when you spread yourself too thin.With this "have it all" mindset we saw an explosion in the growth of children's gulags,I mean day care centers, which are breeding grounds for acquiring illnesses,abuse from peers and a lack of nurturing for the children.Divorce,abuse and an increase in psychiatric treatment and hospitalizations for children and adolescents are the end results of the you can have a career and family lie that was sold to women.
America,"you've come a long way baby"!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Our Children,Pt.1

What follows is a list of what a certain organization advocates,supports and believes in,as you read, see if you can guess which organization it is.
1. Abortion rights.2. Same-sex "marriage." 3.Statehood for the District of Columbia. 4.Total amnesty for illegal aliens as well as their right to have access to all public services. 5.Nationalized health-care. 6.Global warming.7. Increased rights and privileges for all incarcerated people.8.Here's a good one,the reparation of all American Indian remains.9.The belief that 9-11 was in part the fault of the U.S.A. because this country has for decades sown the seeds that led to this attack.
There are many,many, more things I could list here but why bother? You get the flavour of what this organization believes in and advocates. It's clearly ultra-liberal, and in many instances it's anti-American. So your saying it's the Democratic party? Good guess but your wrong. However, this organization has supported every Democrat for the Presidency since the illustrious Jimmy Carter ran for that office.
It's the National Education Association(N.E.A.),the largest professional organization and labour union in the U.S. They represent public school teachers as well as faculty and staffers at colleges and universities.During the mid-'90's they had a yearly income of 307 million,all going to promote their liberal,and again,anti-American beliefs.You can bet they take in a whole lot more now.As a sidenote,the N.E.A. is known for their extravagant salaries paid to their administrators as well as financially supporting politicians and those who hold to their views and agendas.
They are hostile and intolerant to those who believe what might be described as conservative views and "family values." In '1996 the N.E.A. issued a handbook on dealing with the "radical rights" crusade against public schools.
Do Americans know what their children are being taught,and not taught,in their schools? Do they realize that their children are being indoctrinated into a way of belief and thinking that probably is quite contrary to what they wish their child to be exposed to? How 'bout the infamous Sandra's got two mommies for starters? And this was introduced to grade school children.
The reality is,is that the N.E.A. has failed miserably in educating our children and preparing them for the future.There was an international study of students,one of the things it found was that Koreans ranked first in math,Americans last.In light of our public school systems' endless push for improving self esteem,they found that only 23% of the Korean students tested believed they were good in math,while 63% of the American students tested thought they were good. S.A.T. scores,the barometer for measuring the aptitude of our children has deteriorated dramatically in recent years.Not surprisingly,the N.E.A. has responded by calling for the end of standardized testing for students.
We are losing our children to those who are hostile to America.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Quotes That Pertain to Why America is Lost

The following are some thought provoking quotes that have more substance in one or two sentences than all your talk show hosts will offer in hours of programming.
I begin by paraphrasing a quote by John F.Kennedy who said, while presiding over a dinner at the White House for 40 former Nobel Prize winners, "this is the greatest collection of minds ever gathered in one room, except, when Thomas Jefferson dined alone at the White House." How true.Sadly,when Thomas Jefferson's name is referenced today it's usually in the context of the fact that he was a slave owner or with the speculation of whether or not he had sex with one of his slaves.That pretty much says it all in regards to realizing what preoccupies the minds of Americans.
"He who knows nothing is nearer the truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and error." Thomas Jefferson.
Too many Americans have been deluding themselves on the state of this country for too long.
"The majority of men prefer delusion to truth.It soothes.It is easy to grasp.Above all,it fits more snugly than the truth into a universe of false appearances." Friederich Nietzsche.
Just keep telling me everything's going to be okay, that way I don't have to worry,or heaven forbid,do anything about it. As they say,ignorance is bliss.
A government which "robs Peter to pay Paul," can always count on the support of Paul." George Bernard Shaw.
We see this going on today with the current administration.
Two more from quotes from George Bernard Shaw; "Liberty means responsibility,that is why most men dread it."
If we are not careful we are going to lose some of the liberties we take for granted.
Another one from Shaw;"We learn from history that we learn nothing from history."
America,it's scholars,its media and its people,choose not to pay heed to the reasons for the collapse of once great nations.
"The worst lesson that can be taught a man is to rely upon others and to whine over his sufferings.If an American is to amount to anything he must rely upon himself, and not upon his state; he must take pride in his work,instead of envying the luck of others;he must face with resolute courage,win victory if he can,and accept defeat if he must,without seeking to place on his fellow man responsibility which is not theirs." Theodore Roosevelt.
As the character of the American has changed since the time of Roosevelt,this quote has more meaning now then when it was originally written.
Wake up America!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The American People and the Media

The word media is a word derived from the word medium, which refers to a means of communication through such things as television,radio, magazines and newpapers.To say the media has a huge impact on influencing public opinion is a gross understatement. We have seen very clearly how it has been very effective in promoting homosexuality and other forms of immorality.A great example of this is demonstrated in how they have successfully portrayed the need for society's acceptance of homosexuality as comparable to the civil rights struggle.Interestingly,very few black leaders have had the courage to come out(no pun intended) and challenge this absurd view.Even fewer celebrities or politicians will dare to make any disparaging remarks about homosexuals or homosexuality. To do so means endless harassment by all segments of the media and your portrayal as a hateful bigot.
The media aggresssively promotes other things which most would agree are clearly of a liberal slant. It has an ongoing love affair with the current President,enthusiastically endorsing his agenda and not giving coverage to the questionable "czars" he has appointed. The key to understanding media bias is not just looking at what they cover but being aware of what they choose not to cover.However, perhaps the media's most damaging effect on this country is its contributing to the "dumbing down" of America. Extended examination of conditions,events and situations in this country, which were once the norm many years ago,has been replaced by 3 minute soundbites of two people with opposing views talking and interrupting each other.To make matters worse,invariably,the host of the show,believing he is as essential to the mix as the guests,interjects his two-cents.Prime examples of this are Bill O'Reilly and the deranged Chris Matthews.Perhaps more disturbing is the media's preoccupation with celebrities,their lifestyles and their opinions.Case in point,the weeks,upon weeks coverage of pedophile Michael Jackson.A man who was shunned by everyone before his death.Another example,when did we start going to comedians like Bill Mahar,Lewis Black,Whoppi Goldberg and others for their opinions on politics and world affairs? But,there they are,turning up on CNN,MSNBC and Fox News.We even made a U.S. senator out of comedian Al Franken.The sad reality is,the media started replacing substance with trash and the public gladly accepted it. The media,referring primarily to television here,treats it's viewers as if they have the attention span of a five year old.Some reports are saying this is true.The question becomes a chicken or an egg thing,did the media foster this condition or did the people just become this way? I say the former rather than the latter is true.One proof of this is,the explosion of, and popularity of, reality shows.
We have become basically a nation predominated by sheep and idiots. If you don't believe me, listen to those who call in to television and radio talk shows. Better yet,listen to interviews with jurors that they'll occasionally have after a trial has ended.Frankly, its scary.
Wake-up America!

Monday, October 19, 2009

The American People, Pt.1

In looking at the reasons why America is lost we can't neglect the issue of the American people themselves being accountable for this country being in it's present state. Granted,we've all been lied to and deceived to varying degrees by our leaders and government over the last several decades, leaders and a government we trusted and believed would "do the right thing." By leaders,I am not referring to just the politicians,I am also including those leaders in all segments of our society such as religion,education, "justice" system,medicine, and psychiatry. With that said, there still has to be some degree of accountability by the people of this nation for the state we are now in. Oh yes,the word accountability,even that word has been given an amended meaning in this 21th century.Accountability (or accountable), a synonym for this word would be responsible.Today being accountable for something oftens comes with the addendum,he or she did this fill in the blanks. I'll give you a few examples, both within this society. First,the lady who killed her Protestant minister husband a few years ago because she claimed he had been abusing her physically as well as sexually.Claims that couldn't be substantiated by family members,friends or members of his church.So,then it was okay to shoot him in the back while he lay sleeping in bed? Apparently,because she walked away after serving one month in a mental institution despite having no prior history of mental illness.Who needs abuse hotlines and women's shelters when you can take care of the problem yourself? That brings to mind another example. The NFL player,while in a drunken state,hit and killed someone with his car.He was ordered to serve one month in jail. When learning that the commissioner of football suspended him from playing for a year his words were,"I don't agree with his decision but I respect it." Where is the accountability in these two examples above? Not only accountability from the two perpetrators but from the jurors,judges,lawyers and commissioner.
The above are symptomatic of the real problem within this nation,the ability to judge what is right and wrong and be accountable for your actions......."well I can do this because".... "I did this because...." What's even more absurd than this mindset is the fact that increasing numbers of the American public are accepting of this line of thinking,meanwhile,the moral decay in our country has accelerated because of it.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Why Nations Fall

Some have indicated to me that the posts on this site are too negative in regards to reasons I give as to why America is lost. For those who believe that,I say then that you are the animal kingdom's version of the ostrich. Not surprisingly,the people that have made these remarks know very little about history.This is just the inevitable progression of a nation,the United States has had its time,now it's in the process of ending.I will write in future posts suggestions for dealing with this reality.
Well,if you seriously doubt what I profess,let's look to an esteemed professional. Dr.Carle Zimmerman was a distinguished sociologist who taught at Harvard University for many years. In his book,Family and Civilization,he looked at the decline of many civilizations and found eight patterns of domestic behaviour that signal the decline of a civilization.Let me quickly add that there are many more reasons for the decline of a civilization,the following just deal with family and related issues.The fascinating thing about what I'm about to list is that Dr.Zimmerman's book was written in 1947! He'd be chased out of Harvard if he wrote this book today.
1. Marriage loses its sacredness,is frequently broken by divorce. 2. Traditional meaning of the marriage ceremony is lost. 3. Feminist movements abound. 4. Increased public disrespect for parents and authority in general. 5. Acceleration of juvenile delinquency,promiscuity and rebellion. 6. Refusal of people with traditional marriages to accept family responsibilities. 7. Growing desire and acceptance of adultery. 8. Increasing interest in and spread of sexual perversions and sex related crimes.
Does the above sound familiar? Just take a spin around your television dial and you'll see an example of each and every one of the eight reasons. One thing that was not listed and should have been was infanticide,of which would include the practice of abortion.Other lists of the causes for the decline of civilizations always include infanticide(the killing of an infant).
Wake up America.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Christianity in America Today

As I started to put this post together I came across an article on Franklin Graham,the son of Billy Graham. In case you are unaware, Franklin is the head of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association as well as his own which is called Samaritan's Purse.Franklin is viewed as one of the "good" evangelicals,unlike people such as Benny Hinn,David Cerullo,Kenneth Copeland,Paula White,the Crouchs',TD Jakes,and "Bishop" Eddie Long, who not only teach bad theology but also live like kings off the tithes of their "flock." Well, it appears that Franklin was letting it be known in this article that he was cutting back his salary from both the organizations he fronted because it was discovered that he was making 1.2 million a year from them. This figure apparently does not include some other "benefits" Franklin received yearly.Think about this for a moment,think about how much money that really is. How does a supposed man of God justify this kind of income? Franklin is a disgrace,plain and simple. He offers yet one more reason why society has lost total respect for Christianity. Oh yes,if you question the validity of this info on Franklin, just do a Google search and you can read it for yourself.
The above however is not really the reason why Christianity has helped to contribute to the decline of this nation. Neither is the fact that most Christian faiths and denominations look with disdain on each other,criticize each other or seem to be competing against each other,almost like they are rival businesses.Nor is it because these faiths often hold to widely varying views which create confusion to those who are seekers.The problem with Christianity in America is that it is encouraging a kind of complacency.Granted,the Christian faith is about Jesus,who He is and what it means to those who believe and follow Him.We know from scripture that we are to obey our government,that is taught quite clearly. However,are we to continue obeying a government that promotes homosexuality and enthusiastically allows abortion? Some might also say,do we support leadership that is in the process of taxing us out of a middle class and getting us involved in imperialistic ventures overseas? Scripture tells us that when it comes between obeying God and obeying man we are to.....obey God.With that said,why are we not seeing things like ads and articles in the newspapers as well as protests from churches against the utter immorality of homosexuality and abortion? When was the last time you went to a church's web-site or read in the "religion"section of your newspaper something decrying these two things?Where's the protest as the Christian faith is ridiculed and aggressively being driven out of this society? Most Christian faiths and denominations are content with their head nodding "preaching to the choir" sermons denouncing abortion and homosexuality.They also encourage a pie-in-the sky bye and bye attitude, that we are not to be "of this world," that we need to have a let God take care of them mindset.Meanwhile, this country has become a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah. Have they forgotten how Jesus repeatedly condemned the leaders of His day?That's the problem with Christianity in America today,it's complacency. A real Christian faith teaches many things,complacency isn't one of them.

Friday, October 16, 2009


Yet another indicator of a society that is lost is it's acceptance of homosexuality. Sexual depravity, which is always a component of a nation's decline, encompasses a variety of behaviours, homosexuality is just one of many types of depraved behaviours.
To say homosexuality is accepted in America is a gross understatement. It's celebrated in the media and always portrayed favorably on television,in print and in the movies.Our public schools are now aggressively promoting acceptance and tolerance of the "gay" lifestyle. Yearly "gay" parades are standard fare in all major cities. May God help the city that refuses to acknowledge,or worse yet,allow a "gay" parade in their city. They are invariably portrayed as bigoted,hateful and intolerant. With these parades and events you will be sure to see the mayor and other politicians in attendance giving brief speeches on the necessity of inclusiveness and tolerance. Meanwhile, when you look out into the audience you see men dressed as women,men dressed in S & M "outfits" as well as in a variety of other bizarre and perverted.........costumes.
America has become so sophisticated and "enlightened" in recent decades that it now realizes that homosexuality is not wrong, it's simply an alternative lifestyle.
Let's look at the facts. Pardon my bluntness but you don't have to be a doctor to know this,the rectum is a point of exit,not entrance.Sexually active homosexual males have on average a 20 year less life expectancy than heterosexual males. No major religion,and the key word here is major,ever advocated a homosexual lifestyle.Perhaps it would be more correct to say the major faith's holy books never advocated such a lifestyle.Of course, today we see many "Christian" faiths embracing homosexuality and even having "gay" clergy. This naturally gives a whole new meaning to the term rectory.Sorry, I couldn't resist a little catholic humour there.
And for you non-believers, I ask you to look to the animal kingdom to see if there are any examples of homosexual behaviour among "our ancestors?" Nary a one,not even among a variety of monkeys that the homosexuals have hoped would validate their deviance. Imagine that,looking to monkeys to achieve credibility? America is lost.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Aliens Among Us

Continuing with examples of why America is lost.We have been witnessing over the last several years an influx of muslim immigrants into this country. Now, some may say, this country is a nation of former immigrants,what is wrong with muslims settling in this country? Plenty. The muslims hold to a culture and point of view that is vastly different to the immigrants that entered America generations ago.For those of you who doubt this,take a look at what's been going on in England over the last several years as the muslim population,particularly in London has increased.If you are unaware of what's been happening there then you need to be,now!
For those who think what I say is discriminatory or hateful towards muslims look at the facts.The "holy" book of the muslims,the Koran,is filled with writings of hate and violence towards others but you'll rarely hear this said publicly. The only non-conservative I have ever heard in our liberal controlled media criticize the content of this book was,of all people, Andy Rooney about 15 years ago.
Here's a simple test to show that this is not a religion of peace.Ask,email, or write to any mosque attending muslim about 9-11; ask them specifically if they condemn the actions of the muslims who committed the terrorist acts on that day. You will be in for a surprise.They might say it was a terrible tragedy,that they were misguided individuals or that it is not what their faith is truly about,BUT,they will not condemn these men or admit that their faith condones what they did. As a sidenote,shame on George W.Bush for committing his own version of the abomination of desolation when at the national memorial service for the 9-11 victims he allowed a muslim cleric to be part of this inter-faith service.
I close with this,muslim run schools are springing up all over this country,particularly in the major cities.What are we finding? We are discovering that the books students are using are filled with anti-U.S. writings.God only knows what else they are teaching.If you have been watching,recently an example of this activity was discovered in New York City. Many mosques in this country are basically shields and protectors for anti-America speech and activities. Like the parasite that destroys the host,the muslims are in the process of destroying the host,America.
Guess what? George Bush didn't have the courage to address this problem and now we have a president whose father was a muslim,this country does not have the insight,courage(there's that word again) or desire to do anything about it.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Our Presidents

We continue in the series of posts on why America is lost,or,as the address of this blog says,no hope for America. Someone once said that in the U.S. the people get the Presidents they deserve.Let's look at our last three Presidents.
Bill Clinton,a man who was almost impeached for gross sexual immorality and repeatedly lying about it.A man who used the White House like a whorehouse, a man who lied to the American people and to the members of our Congress about his actions.People seem to forget that his affairs were numerous and that one even ended in legal action against him. What was the response of the American people? Basically it was, what this man does privately is his business.There was a time in this country that if this man hadn't immediately resigned after he was exposed he would have been chased out of office. Today he has morphed into a "revered" elder statesman.
George W.Bush. Probably a man who will make the list of the five worst Presidents ever(move over Jimmy Carter). First thought to be a conservative Republican he spent like he was anything but, increasing our debt to a record level. There is so much flawed about this man that space does not allow us to list everything here. His interventions into Iraq and Afghanistan,for at best dubious reasons, has wasted countless lives. The Russians gave up fighting in Afghanistan,so how exactly did George Bush think things were going to be any different for the U.S.? Iraq? Why? To fight terrorism,get Bin Laden? My favorite reason from Bush,to establish a democracy in the Middle East. Democracy in the Middle East, an oxymoron if there ever was one.Culture,religion and a totally different way of looking at things make Democracy an impossibility in this part of the world.As an aside,as he was leaving office and the time to grant pardons came,George Bush didn't even have the "guts" to give a total pardon to the two U.S. border guards wrongly jailed for shooting a drug smuggler. Considering that Bill Clinton gave total pardons to Puerto Rican terrorists and a financier guilty of crimes that should have kept him in prison for life,George Bush displayed his total lack of intelligence in not doing what needed to be done.
Barrack Obama. Here is a classic example of the people getting what they deserve. A man so inexperienced and holding to "principles" that are so contrary to what America was founded on, the big question becomes,will there be anything left of this country worth saving when he eventually leaves office? He was voted in because of his promise of change and his "charisma." He was most likely elected because the man who was running against him( John McCain) ran an incredibly inept campaign and picked an even more inept,inexperienced running mate.
Extreme left-wing liberals,communists,socialists and outright perverts make up the people of influence surrounding this man. He is in the process of spending us into oblivion and bankruptcy with the taxpayers having to foot the bill for his socialist agendas. Let's not forget that his telling the world how bad we are is doing irreversible harm to this country.He is described as African-American despite the fact he had a white mother and was raised by white folks. How convenient,the race card is alive and well in this 21th century.Like George Bush,I could go on and on but there really isn't the space to do so.
America,don't complain you are getting what you asked for and deserve.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Television

Many of these posts will come from a point of view of one who remembers how things were decades ago. At one time television offered a few channels with very basic fare. News programs that offered just the news,not overtly biased and slanted input,variety shows,dramas, comedies,as well as cartoons and children's shows comprised television programming. Let's not forget that the television offered no shows after 1am. The stations invariably ended the day with a stirring rendition of the Star Spangled Banner.
In this 21th century we have hundreds of channels running 24 hours a day. Filthy talking,gross sexual content, and the portrayal of every kind of decadent and immoral lifestyle is no longer confined to the "cable" stations but is the norm on the three major networks as well. News shows are blatantly biased and slanted,usually to the liberal side. The so-called conservative stations are doing the same by injecting their biases as demonstrated by their support of one of the worst Presidents' ever(my opinion), George W.Bush. Can't they all just read the news and let us form our own opinions?
Philosopher William Gayley Simpson had this to say about the television and it gets to the heart of what is wrong with television: "People who know what it is to have a life of their own,as do all real persons,all real individuals,all really healthy people,have far too much that they want to be up and doing,to waste time watching other people do something."

Are You an Ostrich?

The second of a two part question asking what kind of person you are in regards to realizing that America is lost takes us to the animal kingdom and the ostrich. Do you, like the ostrich, in the face of the harsh realities of life, recognize that something is terribly wrong but choose to ignore it?

Are You a Frog?

I think it is only fitting to start this blog by asking readers where they are at in regards to the condition of the United States today(please note the sidebar to the right that describes what this site is all about). This is the first of two blog entries that will ask what category you are in. I begin by relating the story of the frog that is placed in a pot of lukewarm water on a stove,I believe most of you have heard this before. The temperature is set on low but over a period of time as it naturally becomes hotter and hotter the frog is oblivious to the change and eventually is boiled.The question that logically comes from this story is,are you like the frog, so oblivious to what is going on in this country that you aren't even aware?