Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas USA?

What follows is an excerpt from a column written by Patrick Buchanan in 2001,it is more relevant today than when it was originally written. I ask this,when in the history of our nation have the beliefs,or lack of beliefs of a minority of people, been allowed to overrule the beliefs of the majority of Americans? It's been allowed in recent times whenever it pertains to eliminating references to anything Christian.Where's the outrage and demonstrations from Christians? The incident that is referenced in the following Buchanan quote had to do with a Christmas tradition being removed from the public square, this never would have happened 45+ years ago.A nation that won't stand up for it's rights and beliefs is doomed.

"Indeed, the birth of Christ has inspired more great paintings, music and sculpture than any event in history. “Ultimately,” writes Piatak, “we should be free to celebrate Christmas publicly and joyously, because it is a great holiday, and because it is our holiday and one of the crowning glories of Western culture that gave birth to America and sustains us still.”

But why, then, are we not free to do so? Why may we not celebrate, as we did for 200 years, the birth of our Savior, the day God became man to open up for us the gates of heaven and bring mankind the hope of eternal salvation?

Answer: Because our Constitution has been hijacked by bigots in black robes, who perverted it to de-Christianize America. And we let them get away with it. Second, because Christians have become an intimidated lot, who will permit themselves to be pushed around and even permit their Savior to go uncelebrated for fear of being called insensitive. But if we do not proclaim the Son of God, will He proclaim us before the Father in heaven?

If Jesus was truly God, and the first Christmas was the day he was born of the Virgin Mary, and He came into the world for our salvation, what does it say about us that we would permit a handful of unhappy people to deny us the right to celebrate His birth in our public squares?

But, nevertheless, “God rest ye merry gentlemen, let nothing ye dismay,” not even the ACLU on this coming Christmas Day."

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