Sunday, October 18, 2009

Why Nations Fall

Some have indicated to me that the posts on this site are too negative in regards to reasons I give as to why America is lost. For those who believe that,I say then that you are the animal kingdom's version of the ostrich. Not surprisingly,the people that have made these remarks know very little about history.This is just the inevitable progression of a nation,the United States has had its time,now it's in the process of ending.I will write in future posts suggestions for dealing with this reality.
Well,if you seriously doubt what I profess,let's look to an esteemed professional. Dr.Carle Zimmerman was a distinguished sociologist who taught at Harvard University for many years. In his book,Family and Civilization,he looked at the decline of many civilizations and found eight patterns of domestic behaviour that signal the decline of a civilization.Let me quickly add that there are many more reasons for the decline of a civilization,the following just deal with family and related issues.The fascinating thing about what I'm about to list is that Dr.Zimmerman's book was written in 1947! He'd be chased out of Harvard if he wrote this book today.
1. Marriage loses its sacredness,is frequently broken by divorce. 2. Traditional meaning of the marriage ceremony is lost. 3. Feminist movements abound. 4. Increased public disrespect for parents and authority in general. 5. Acceleration of juvenile delinquency,promiscuity and rebellion. 6. Refusal of people with traditional marriages to accept family responsibilities. 7. Growing desire and acceptance of adultery. 8. Increasing interest in and spread of sexual perversions and sex related crimes.
Does the above sound familiar? Just take a spin around your television dial and you'll see an example of each and every one of the eight reasons. One thing that was not listed and should have been was infanticide,of which would include the practice of abortion.Other lists of the causes for the decline of civilizations always include infanticide(the killing of an infant).
Wake up America.

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