Thursday, December 10, 2009


As we look at the various things that America has done and abandoned in recent years as it relates to its continuing decline,we would be remiss if we didn't include how America now views the Christmas season.No,this post isn't going to be about the excessive commercialization of this holy season or whether or not it should be celebrated,it's about the continuing efforts to dimimish the Christian faith in America.There has been an ongoing effort,particularly over the last decade or two,to push the Christmas season out of public view. I think all of us realize this.Nativity scenes have been removed from local,state and national properties,many stores have instructed sales clerks not to say Merry Christmas,other people who have contact with the public,be it in stores,or on radio or television, are told to say Happy Holidays. We'd be remiss of course not to include our wonderful public school systems who now call the time near the end of December when their students have off, something like Winter Break or some other secular phrase. Our current President,who calls himself a Christian, recently had the traditional tree lighting ceremony at the White House and did not once mention who this season honors,the Prince of Peace,Jesus Christ. Not a Nativity scene to be found anywhere on the White House grounds,something I believe was a tradition at the White House in the past. In addition,as during the Easter season,you will be sure to find television shows and magazine articles questioning the "validity" of even having Christmas. They will be sure to include some member of a "Christian" denomination that will declare passionately that Christmas is "pagan" and people are "damned and going to Hell" if they celebrate it. This of course is foolishness and I don't want to take the time to describe why it is,that's not the purpose of today's message.I want to look at why Christmas,and for that matter Christianity, is being removed from public view in America. Why is it that when we now mention December "holidays" Christmas is always lumped together with the bogus holiday Kwanza and the minor Jewish holiday Chanukkah? I ask this because there was a time not to long ago when Christmas was viewed by everyone for what it was,one of the two major Christian Holy Days.You know, it was given the respect and acceptance by our media that is now given to Ramadan and Yom Kippur.
So what is the problem that those in government,businesses and the media have with Christmas? I used to think it was because it involved the celebration of the birth of a Man who laid down some very specific moral rules of thinking and behaviour. Then I realized that the muslims,Hindus and Jews have rigid rules of conduct and belief as they pertain to their faith,yet they are not being treated the way Christianity in America is today.Not to digress but,could you imagine if on the Larry David HBO program,Curb Your Enthusiasm,the main character had gotten urine on a portrait of muhammed instead of Jesus as happened in a recent episode,what the outcry would have been from the media and the muslim community? Larry David knows very well what he can and can't get away with.The Christian faith is always fair game and given lots of exposure to anyone who wants to insult and disrespect it.
Again why the Christian faith? Is it because the Christian faith holds to the belief that they are The Way? No, other major faiths also hold to this belief.
I believe that those in control,meaning the media and people who want to determine this nation's future,desire to remove the foundation on which this country was built,from which the Constitution,Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights and government were created, this foundation was our Christian principles.Denigrating Christmas is just one small step in this process.
It doesn't take a genius to recognize who is winning the war as it relates to who is determining the direction this country is now taking,only someone who has been watching and is aware.Have you been watching?
Wake up America before it's too late!

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